EMERGENCY rescue missions, exploding engines and three metre waves were just some of the obstacles Richard Anderson overcame as he attempted to be the first person to jet ski around the whole UK.

Richard, from Shoebury, returned to Southend Pier on Friday after completing his 19-day and 3,300-mile “brutal” trip.

Alongside his son, Ethan, the 51-year-old was attempting to put his name in the record books as the first person to ride a jet ski the whole way around the UK unassisted.

Brutal - Richard on his trioBrutal - Richard on his trip (Image: Richard Anderson)

Every day Richard was left asking himself “will I sink or die out here” but the kindness of random people who fed, houses and supported him, helped him keep his spirits high throughout the journey.

Now, he is waiting for Guinness to confirm he has officially set the world record.

Just 15 days into the challenge, Richard faced his “darkest” moment as he was stranded in the sea with a broken jet ski and fearing he had “failed and let everyone down.”

Trek - Richard on his jet skiTrek - Richard on his jet ski (Image: Richard Anderson)

He said: “My engine didn’t sound quite right; I was two miles off the coast, and I was left floating.

“The RNLI came to get me, and I just thought it was over, I thought it was done for and I had let everyone down, I broke down on the way to the coast.”

However, thanks to the generosity of strangers, Richard managed to recover from the disastrous engine failure.

“My other half directed me to a man names Richard Owen and said he would be able to repair it, he put a camera in the engine and saw that it had exploded.

“I believed it was over but with absolutely no hesitation he told me he had a new £23,000 jet ski, I went ‘seriously?’ “He just said to finish the journey.”

Proud - Richard with his sonProud - Richard with his son (Image: Richard Anderson)
Out of the 19 days, Richard believes four went well, the “high” being that he rode alongside a pod of dolphins for 15 minutes after a hard day.

“It was rough seas, there were two metre swells of water, and the weather was terrible, I was thinking that I had not had one good day when suddenly I rode alongside a pod of dolphins for 15 minutes.

“That was the biggest high for me of the entire trip.”

As well as aiming to set a world record, Richard was aiming to raise as much cash as possible for Havens hospices and the Marie Curie cancer charity.

He was inspired after seeing the “incredible” care two of his friends received and has so far raised £4,000.

To donate to Richard, visit:https://justgiving.com/page/richard-anderson-1716485507421