A WOMEN’S only gym offering a “safe space” where girls can avoid feeling insecure is set to expand as their community “grows bigger and bigger.”

Webber’s Gym, in Cat Tree Lane, South Benfleet, has been running women’s only classes and allowing walk-ins for two years, opening with the aim to offer women a community space of their own.

After growing their team with more personal trainers, the gym is looking to take over a warehouse next door and offer boxing classes, a creche to allow mums to work out while their children are watched and a cafe for protein shakes.

Founder, Rosie Webber, 27, believes women and girls can often feel insecure in mainstream gyms has praised the ever-growing community.

Founder - Rosie Webber Founder - Rosie Webber (Image: Rosie Webber)

She said: “We are growing bigger and bigger; I forget that sometimes, but people do remember us and they recognise Webbers.

“People always say they hear good things about us.

“We are looking into a bigger gym and keeping our current gym as a space for classes only. The new gym will be a normal open gym offering walk ins, personal trainers and all bases.

“One of our new personal trainers is an English Boxing coach and they want to do boxing classes with mums and kids. We want to grow our community.”

Class - A weights class at the gym Class - A weights class at the gym (Image: Rosie Webber)

Rosie added that when the move to the new gym is complete, they will have a new creche for kids where “mums can bring their kids in and have a workout.”

“The new warehouse is double in size and we need to expand, it gets crowded where we are currently and we need that bigger space.

“It will offer a few more jobs for the area too and we are trying to keep it cheap and affordable. People ask how we manage to keep our prices low but I say it is because we don’t look to grab money.

“We love doing this.”

Webbers Gym is also in the finals of the British Fitness Awards for Best Independent Gym, which Rosie has called “amazing for us.”

You can support them at: https://www.britishfitnessaward.com/closed