A £2.6million project to install solar panels and LED lighting has helped a Basildon school become the first in Essex to be “completely carbon neutral”. 

Kingswood Primary School and Nursery, in Clay Hill Road, has carried out the huge project over two years in a bid to tackle climate change. 

Thanks to the work, the school now uses solar panels, has double glazing throughout, LED lights and uses air-sourced heat pumps which extract heat from the air to heat the building. 

Environment - Pupils at Kingswood Primary School and NurseryEnvironment - Pupils at Kingswood Primary School and Nursery (Image: Kingswood)

They now also use zero gas in the school and offset their electricity usage against electricity generated through the solar panels.

Emma Campkin, headteacher at the school, said: “Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing our planet today.

“As a primary school, we have a unique opportunity to set a positive example for our community and future generations by becoming carbon neutral.

“Our curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to not only learn about the past but to also explore our impact on planet Earth now and the differences we can all make to protect our planet in the future.

“We are incredibly excited about what this means for the school and its pupils, not only now but well into the future and it is something that we will be celebrating for a long time to come.”

Project - Pupils learning about the worksProject - Pupils learning about the works (Image: Kingswood)

The project began just over two years ago, with solar panels being installed on the school roof.

This was followed by windows being replaced with double glazing, LED lighting being installed, and a second installation of further solar panels in October 2023.

The installation of air-source heat pump then completed the £2.6million project this year.

Wendy Parker, deputy headteacher at the school, added: “Through completing this project, we demonstrate to our students the importance of environmental responsibility.

Learning - Saving the planet and protecting the environmentLearning - Saving the planet and protecting the environment (Image: Kingswood)

“Pupils are learning about reduce, reuse, recycle, global warming, biodiversity and about the items that have been installed in our school in order to commit to changes to improve our planet in the future.

“This sets a powerful example that they can carry with them throughout their lives.

“It has been a long project and the school is incredibly proud of the adaptability of the pupils throughout the building work and we are looking forward to celebrate this huge moment with all of our community.”