A HEADTEACHER who shaped the lives of almost 5,000 pupils at one of Southend’s grammar schools has announced he is standing down after 17 years.

Dr Robin Bevan is leaving Southend High School for Boys at the end of this term and has revealed he is taking up a new role to help “inform national policy on the teacher workforce”.

In a letter to parents, the school praised his “passion and dedication”, adding it was “impossible to encapsulate in a few words the significant contribution” he has made.

Dr Bevan admitted it was a “difficult decision” to leave the school - where he has been headteacher since 2007 - but stressed he was confident the school will continue to excel.

He said: “As headteacher, I have been afforded an extraordinary opportunity to shape the learning of almost 5,000 pupils at this school, and to influence the working lives and professional growth of hundreds of staff.

“The last 17 years have been exceptional. I would wish to offer profound thanks to all the staff, pupils, parents, governors - recent and past - who have shared in this journey of exceptional success.

“It has been a difficult decision. I love my job. Southend High School for Boys is thriving - but it is time to hand on the baton. I am supremely confident in the next generation of school leaders. It has been a privilege to guide, support and coach them - a role I plan to continue.”

Dr Bevan isn’t set to put his feet up anytime soon as he looks ahead to “adventurous travel” and a return to “competitive cycling”.

School governors met on Tuesday night and appointed Rachel Worth, deputy headteacher, to the role of acting headteacher while the recruitment process takes place.

In a letter to parents, the school added: “During his time at the school, Dr Bevan’s passion and dedication has enabled the school to deliver the highest standards of teaching and learning, provide the best opportunities for our students, secure our best-ever pupil achievements, and build and nurture a highly-talented and dedicated teaching and support staff team.

“Dr Bevan has been instrumental in shaping the lives of thousands of pupils who have passed through the school and he leaves a legacy which future pupils will continue to enjoy.”