IN the first of a series of pieces, your Echo puts the parliamentary candidates vying for your votes under the spotlight.

We’ve invited all those seeking for your vote in the General Election on July 4 to answer a series of questions to help our readers make an informed decision on polling day.

In doing so, we hope you will not only get to know the policies and promises they stand to fight on if elected, but also gain an insight into the person who wants to represent you in Parliament for the next five years.

All the candidates were set the same questions and deadline in a bid to help you decide in a fair and balanced way.

British Democrats: Christopher Batemen

British Democrats - Christopher BatemanBritish Democrats - Christopher Bateman (Image: Christopher Bateman)

Why elect me?

The reason you, the public, should vote for the British Democrats is quite simple: We are the only party that will truly put the residents of Basildon and Billericay first. 

A vote for me is a vote for real change, not just an empty promise. 

Don’t be fooled by the other so-called politicians in this election; they tell you one thing and do another. 

On the other hand, I will always say it how it is and put people before politics every time! 

I am an authentic local voice for local residents.

My biggest achievement

One of my significant political accomplishments was winning the election to the Noak Bridge Parish Council with an overwhelming 74 per cent of the vote. 

Apart from my political involvement, I also completed the Three Peaks Challenge (Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Snowdon) in under 24 hours, showcasing my determination and resilience.

My interests

One of my favourite restaurants is any decent pie and mash shop.

My vision

My vision for Basildon and Billericay is for it to be a place where residents can thrive.

Infrastructure is extremely important to me and needs to be carefully considered before any unnecessary developments are built. 

Medical centres, bus links, and schools must be in place before any building work occurs.

Residents of Basildon and Billericay should have priority for social housing. I believe in providing local homes for local people. 

The elderly population is well cared for.

Labour Party: Alex Harrison

Labour - Alex HarrisonLabour - Alex Harrison (Image: Alex Harrison)

Why elect me?

Basildon is in my blood, I’ve lived here my whole life and I know what’s important to local people. 

Fourteen years of Tory government has crippled our public services, made our streets unsafe and through Liz Truss’s budget caused inflation and prices to get out of control.

Whether it’s your rent, mortgage, food or energy bills everything is worse now than it was last time you voted.

While the Tories throw gimmicks like National Service and the Rwanda Scheme at our problems, I want to be part of a grown-up Labour Government tackling the nation’s problems with serious solutions and integrity.

I believe for 23 years John Baron was a part-time MP. 

I will be a full time MP for the community I have called home my entire life, that is the difference between us. 

I’m not using this election to boost my personal ambitions, but to represent my hometown and bring positive change to my community. 

I will be a local voice for more police on our streets, better access to healthcare, public services that actually work, and housing that benefits local people.

My biggest achievement

It has been the honour of my life so far to represent Lee Chapel North on Basildon Council. 

This role has taught me a lot about our local area, the issues facing residents and how, with the right motivation and ambition, you can make a real difference to people’s lives.

My funniest moment

Taking a weekend road trip to visit some friends, forgetting where we’d parked, then spending four hours the next morning fanning out around the city looking for our car.

My interests

First and foremost, I am an Arsenal fan! If I’m not at the pub on match day, then I’ll be watching Formula 1 or hiking in the countryside.

My inspiration

My dad is a proper working-class bloke who built a good life for himself and his family, and at 70 years old he’s still working on building sites doing what he loves.

My vision

Basildon and Billericay is one of the most unequal constituencies in the country. A mixture of multimillion-pound houses in some areas and genuine poverty in others.

Drug and knife crime has made people scared to walk home at night, while dying town centres in Basildon and Laindon have crippled our local economy.

We must breathe new life into our towns. I will make completing Laindon Place a priority, while Basildon town centre needs a new model of mixed retail and service to give people a new reason to go there.  Local businesses need our town centres and high streets thriving again.

I will also restore trust in our public services. More visible policing and easier access to NHS appointments. 

More teachers in our schools to reduce class sizes and give our children new opportunities we never had. And delivering housing that is right for our community, in the right place and in keeping with the area.

Conservative: Richard Holden

Conservative - Richard HoldenConservative - Richard Holden (Image: Richard Holden)

Why elect me?

If you elect me, you’ll get an experienced and hard-working MP for Basildon and Billericay who will be able to make a difference to the things that matter most.

I will stand up for your interests, both in Parliament and in our local community.
As someone who has served as a minister and in Cabinet, I will be a strong voice local and nationally. 

That means I can deliver on issues of national political importance that make a difference in Basildon, Billericay and in the villages.

I know you want lower taxes for your family and your local businesses, controlled migration and better opportunities for you and your family. Only I can offer that.

As your MP, I will be able to deliver on local issues too. Because I get it. Having been out on the doorsteps, I understand what the issues that matter to you are from stopping uncontrolled development and mega-pylons to ensuring our local NHS delivers for local people. 

No other candidate has committed to protecting our precious green belt, but I will. Labour want to green light development. I have already pledged to work to ensure we don’t get 160ft pylons carving up our community, in line with the Conservatives’ commitments. No one else can match this, which says it all. 

I will engage with local businesses, community groups, and local services to act on your priorities. I will be open and accessible to you. No issue is too small, no problem too big.

This election is close between Labour and the Conservatives here. On July 5th you’ll either have a Labour or a Conservative MP, a vote for anyone else will just help Labour win a supermajority.

My biggest achievement

As a Minister in the Transport Department, I devised the £2 bus cap. I got it in as a temporary measure at first, then battled to make it permanent.

It has been in place for well over a year now and has made a huge difference right around the country.  You may have even used it yourself.

My funniest moment

I started my working life waiting tables in a restaurant to earn some cash to take my first girlfriend on dates. And I still feel the embarrassment of being an 18-year-old and accidentally dropping a bowl of soup over a customer. 

My interests

Unfortunately, I haven’t had the pleasure of using a hairdresser in a number of years! However, I do enjoy cooking roast dinners with my girlfriend and walking in the countryside when I can find the time. Nothing goes better with both of these things than a good pint of ale.

My vision

Protecting our green belt, cutting down on crime and anti social behaviour and improving local transport.

Our green belt is vital to our area. It is both beautiful and productive. Sadly, the National Grid has drawn up proposals for a network of mega pylons right through Billericay and Burstead that would wreck it completely. 

I will stand against this and work with our local Conservative councillors in pushing back against this daft plan and instead concentrating on getting half built structures – like ‘Laindon Henge’ finished for local people to live in.

Anti-social behaviour is a massive issue, particularly in Basildon. I will work with the police and the Government to roll out hotspot policing here, which has been effective in drastically reducing anti-social behaviour in other parts of the country.

Finally, I know how many people here use the train or the bus. I will work with local operators who too often hold commuters to ransom with their schedules.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition: Dave Murray

Candidate - Dave MurrayCandidate - Dave Murray (Image: Dave Murray)

Why elect me?

If you elect me, you will be electing a rebel who aims to topple the elite – not to join it.
Two million UK people rely on foodbanks. 

You shouldn’t vote for anyone who doesn’t prioritize ending poverty in the world’s 6th richest country. 

You shouldn’t vote for anyone who exploits inequality by promoting hatred and fear.

As a socialist, I propose that we “take our country back” by collectively owning the major sources of wealth, and using that wealth to solve our real problems – poverty, homelessness, crumbling public services, environmental disaster and the threat of war. I’m not in this for the money. 

If elected I would only accept the average full-time wage in Basildon. The rest would go into an audited account for good causes. You can’t represent the working class if you don’t live like them. 

In this, I’m following the example of past socialist MPs Dave Nellist (a TUSC candidate in Coventry) and the late Pat Wall and Terry Fields. 

If elected, I would campaign to end the subsidised food and booze that MPs enjoy. 

I oppose the bombardment of the innocent people of Gaza. It is one of the great injustices of our time.

My biggest achievement

I was a leader of the All-Britain Anti Poll Tax Federation. 

It was a mass non-payment campaign that mobilised the power of working-class solidarity against everything the establishment could throw at us. 

By the time we’d finished both the Poll Tax and Thatcher were gone. Good riddance.

My funniest moment

Did you know that some cheap swimming trunks become transparent when wet? Neither did I. To the people of Corfu – I’m sorry and it won’t happen again.

My interests

I’m a musician. I’m blessed with a Mum, seven siblings, a wonderful partner and two great kids.

My inspiration

In 1984 the miners and their families gave their all to defend their communities, in a long hard year of strike action. I’m proud to have stood with them.

My vision

Until 1985 I was a northerner, and I’ve found that the best thing about this corner of Essex is the people. 

My vision for the town is one where those people have the jobs, housing, transport, leisure, health and education services that they deserve. 

We could be an example of what can be achieved by combining green space with sustainable affordable social housing. 

Our young people would have the support they need to develop their creativity and generosity of spirit to the full. 

What I fear is that, instead, the politicians who fit neatly into the pockets of property developers, financiers and landlords will create a grim landscape of characterless tower blocks whose tenants are ripped off by absentee landlords. 

Liberal Democrat: Edward Sainsbury

Lib Dem - Edward SainsburyLib Dem - Edward Sainsbury (Image: Liberal Democrats)

Why elect me?

As someone who grew up in Billericay and has previously represented constituents on Billericay Town Council, Edward has plenty of experience listening to local residents and representing their views.

Too many MPs are career politicians with no understanding of life in the real world. Edward is a secondary school teacher and is well placed to use his experience to champion the cause of Education in the next Parliament, as the government has continuously cut funding to schools across the constituency.

For Edward, Education and funding for SEND and youth services is an absolute priority. Opportunities for young people are often neglected whether it is supporting those with learning needs, or just providing recreational opportunities, there is a lack of support for young people and it is time for this to change.

Reform UK

Stephen Conlay is standing as a Reform UK candidate in next week’s General Election.

As the Echo went to press the parliamentary candidate had not responded to our requests and, therefore, we could not include a candidate profile and picture in the full round-up.

Green Party

Stewart Goshawk is standing for the Green Party in next week’s General Election.

As the Echo went to press the parliamentary candidate had failed to meet our request to send in a candidate profile and picture to be used in the full round-up.

He was, therefore, not been included in the paper.