A “DANGEROUS” stretch of woodland in Leigh should be closed off to the public after a series of trees fell, a councillor has claimed.

Belfairs Independent councillor Stephen Aylen claims the “Poorman’s Wood” area near Belfairs Park is a danger to people with fallen trees blocking the bridleway and path.

The area is frequently used by walkers, runners, and horse riders and Mr Aylen is furious action is yet to be taken.

He says he has been demanding the area is closed and cleared for four weeks, but neither Essex County Council or Southend Council will act.

However, Essex County Council has said it has asked the Wildlife Trust to clear the area “as soon as possible”.

Mr Aylen said: “This area of woodland has not been looked after for 25 years; we have really been trying to get it sorted even though it is a small wood.

“What has happened is a tree has come down on the Southend and Castle Point border and its branches have broken off into three-inch spears.

“If a horse rider came along and their horse bolted it could cause serious injury and if a cyclist had to swerve it could be the same. This has been highlighted for around four weeks and everyone is arguing over responsibility instead of getting on with it.

“I have called for it to be closed off as if you walk to Belfairs Park, you can do the same walk avoiding the bridal path, which is under Essex County Council.”

Mr Aylen claims more trees are at risk of falling.

“No one is doing anything and no one will get on with it and do anything. Trees are coming down there,” he said.

“Even though this is really only a 200 yard wood, it is dangerous and I believe it should be closed off until we sort it properly. It has been going on too long.”

A spokesman for Essex Highways said: “Our team inspected the bridleway on June 25 and noted one tree growing on the boundary of the woodland towards the south.

“The Wildlife Trust has been informed of the tree growing from its land and been asked to clear it as soon as possible.”