IN the second of a series of pieces, your Echo puts the parliamentary candidates vying for your votes under the spotlight.

We’ve invited all those seeking for your vote in the General Election on July 4 to answer the same set of questions to help our readers make an informed decision on polling day. 

Labour: David Burton-Sampson

Labour - David Burton-SampsonLabour - David Burton-Sampson (Image: David Burton-Sampson)

Why elect me?

On Thursday 4th July you get to make a choice. A choice between 5 more years of never ending chaos with the Conservatives, or change with a Labour MP standing up for you.  

Southend West and Leigh has had a Conservative MP for as long as any of us can remember. But do you feel better off? 

We have a sewage crisis plaguing our estuary, our roads are fraying at the edges, mortgages have gone through the roof following the unfunded Liz Truss mini-budget and in Leigh the Conservatives are playing politics with Leigh Town Council with no accountability to local people. 

I’ve lived in Essex for 25 years and in that time, I’ve realised we need a strong voice or else we’ll be forgotten. I’m not prepared to let Southend West and Leigh be forgotten. I’ve been a community campaigner for decades and I know how to get things done.

My biggest achievement

I am proud of the community organisations I have founded over the years which have led to greater community cohesion, lifted people out of isolation and built a stronger and more resilient society.

Funny memory

On a flight I could see what looked like flames in a window. I jumped up to realise it was the reflection of a woman waving her fan! 

My interests

Spending time with my partner and our beautiful dalmatian. I love theatre, especially musicals. We love entertaining and have been known to throw an epic evening or two for friends. 

My inspiration

My Grandad. We lived with him and my Nan until she died when I was 10. My Grandad is my hero and played a big part in making me who I am today. 

My vision

I want the residents of Southend and Leigh to have the opportunity to access the services and support they need to live a happier, healthier and fairer life.   

This city has so much potential that’s just not being harnessed.   

I’ll fix the big issues, ensuring our hospital has the investment it needs, and likewise with our schools. 

I will hold Anglian Water to account for its continuous contempt towards residents by dumping sewage into our estuary. This must stop now.

Liberal Democrats: Stephen Cummins

Lib Dem - Stephen CumminsLib Dem - Stephen Cummins (Image: Liberal Democrats)

Why elect me?

I’m running to be your representative because I believe in action and honesty. You deserve someone who genuinely listens, understands your concerns, and makes things happen. I’m here to be that person for you.

I promise to always keep you in the loop and be transparent about our progress. Your input will shape my decisions because our policies should reflect what Southend truly needs.

I’ve got a solid track record of turning plans into reality. From boosting local healthcare and securing school funding to tackling the cost of living, I’m ready to take on these challenges with real solutions.

I’m also passionate about preserving our stunning coastline and green spaces. 

We need sustainable development that benefits everyone now and in the future.

My biggest achievement

My proudest achievement related to Southend was serving as a governor for Eastwood Academy Trust, where I played a key role in raising our Ofsted rating.

Funny memory

During a presentation at work, I called my boss “Mum” in front of the entire company. Yeah, that was a great day.

My interests

I collect Star Wars Lego and run an electronic music club at Anke’s in Westcliff. Favourite hang-out is Saltwater Beach Cafe in Chalkwell.

My inspiration

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

My vision

My vision for the city of Southend is to create a thriving, inclusive, and sustainable community that caters to the needs of all residents.

I envision a Southend where our local economy flourishes, driven by support for small businesses and innovative industries, providing ample job opportunities. I am committed to enhancing our public services, ensuring top-quality healthcare, education, and social care for everyone. 

Independent: Tom Darwood

Independent - Tom DarwoodIndependent - Tom Darwood (Image: Tom Darwood)

Why elect me?

This General Election is saturated with political infighting. Many have remarked there is no real cohesion, direction of travel or vision other than more of the same.

Talk of ‘Change and Reform’ but nothing new which inspires the public beyond this rhetoric zone, but now configuring around who is best to become Prime Minister. This is the vision for all parties to accede, but is the real leader on our TV screens now? 

In the 2019 General Election, I stood in this constituency as Joseph 77 in which 574 people gave me their vote.

I stand again to propose myself as a true 21st century Joseph77, now calling myself as Tom Darwood, as ‘fit for purpose’ to become Britain’s 1st ‘Surrogate Prime Minister’ to emulate the biblical Joseph to serve our surrounding nations of the European Union and America, to increase foreign trade to pay for all the reforms.

My biggest achievement

Biggest political achievement is 77 votes in Barking General Election 2010, I asked for voters to endorse me as a 21st century Joseph, a perfect result.

Funny memory

My funniest and most embarrassing moment was at customs when I gave them my old passport assuming it was my current one. I was detained by police for an hour.

My interests

Favourite restaurant - the Pearl Dragon on Southend seafront, better than any London restaurant

Favourite shop: TK Maxx. Favourite barbers - Timotheo’s

Activities: Skiing, camping and a good western film.

My inspiration 

My biggest inspiration is to write my Battle of Britain anthem in one hour about two years ago.

My vision

My central manifesto is the proposed Queen Elizabeth II Royal Arboretum located near Stonehenge to commemorate her legacy of 70yrs reign.

As the Queen reigned for 70yrs, it would be futile to save the colonial image of the British Empire, but entirely justified to commemorate the collective values of colonialism, as continuous exhibits of that era, in a hall equal to the Albert Hall.

Outside trees planted in memory to people who died in the pandemic.

Conservative: Anna Firth

Conservative - Anna FirthConservative - Anna Firth (Image: Anna Firth)

Why elect me?

I have loved being your Member of Parliament and I am proud of all we have achieved together. 

I was born in Salisbury Road, live in Leigh and love this area just like you do. 

Despite becoming your MP in terrible circumstances, I have done everything possible to build on Sir David’s legacy, support the Amess family, and make our city a place of which he would have been proud.

I made it my mission to slash ambulance waiting times, secure £118million of vital capital funding to upgrade our hospital, including a brand new A&E, two new operating theatres and new diagnostic facilities. 

I have used every available lever to make our streets safer; from banning nitrous oxide and zombie knives to increasing our police officers to record levels. 

I have worked with fans to protect Southend United’s future and my Pet Abduction Act continues Sir David’s crusade to improve animal welfare.  If re-elected I will continue working as hard as I can to make our city fit for the future with better opportunities for all including all animals and the natural world.

My biggest achievement

My biggest achievement is raising three amazing children with my wonderful husband, Edward. However, I am also very proud to have got my own Private Members Bill, the Pet Abduction Act, onto the statue book. 

Funniest memory

Shortly after being elected, I abseiled down Southend Hospital for charity and noticed the huge ambulance problem. 

I ran straight over to offer my help completely forgetting I was dressed as Wonder Woman.

Looking back at the photos was very embarrassing!

My interests

My favourite day would be walking up to get my hair done at Gregory Dean followed by a lovely lunch at the Beach Hut in Chalkwell.

My inspiration

Margaret Thatcher was my biggest inspiration because she inspired millions of girls, like me, to believe that we could get to the top. Most importantly, she cared more about the success of our country then being popular.

My vision

I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved over the last two years, and I am looking forward to continuing my vision to make Southend a city of opportunity for all. First and foremost, we need to make our hospital and our local NHS as outstanding as our schools, with easy access to the services we all need. 

We need to see blue flags flying over each of our beautiful beaches, no sewage discharges and more buses for our veterans, senior citizens and families.

I want Southend United back in the championship where it belongs, and Roots Hall renovated.

Finally, Priory Park, the Pier, our two national theatres and Old Leigh are already jewels in our city’s crown and, if elected, I will work to protect and enhance them. 

Green: Tilly Hogrebe

Green - Tilly HogrebeGreen - Tilly Hogrebe (Image: Tilly Hogrebe)

Why elect me?

I  have been living in St Lukes ward with my family for nearly 15 years. I stand for building connected, caring and fair communities. 

I have been actively engaged in a number of community projects across Southend and have helped build a lovely community in my local neighbourhood. 

Nowadays people are used to looking after their own interests. 

A small number of people choose to look after their own interests for profit. 

Services like the NHS are privatised, sewage is pumped into our estuary, and our planet’s resources are being stripped for the profit of only a few. 

This is hardly a fair system! I want to live in a country, where every person can lead a comfortable, happy and dignified life. I don’t think that this is too big an ambition.

My achievements

In 2018/19 I was working on a project around environmental sustainability in the arts. This was so successful that I was named 1 of 20 inspiring women leading in art and climate! 

Funny memory

I grew up in Germany, so I didn’t know any knock-knock jokes. My first knock-knock joke: 
Knock knock! Who’s there? Doctor. Which doctor? Nowadays I enjoy watching Doctor Who. Knock-knock jokes still baffle me though! 

My interests

I look after both my physical and mental health by spending a lot of time outside in nature. We are very lucky to have some lovely nature spots in Southend.

My inspiration

My biggest inspiration is my 11 year old daughter, who often helps me to see things from a different perspective. It is for her and her generation that I am inspired to work towards making the world a better place. 

My vision 

Southend has so much potential to be an exciting and vibrant city! 

I would love to see the High Street flourish again, with a good selection of interesting shops, with arts, culture and community, and with beautiful street trees all along. At the same time I want to see local neighbourhoods thrive, so that every resident can access shops and restaurants, entertainment and nature on their doorsteps.  

I want a reliable and affordable public transport system for all.

Heritage Party: Lara Hurley

Heritage - Lara HurleyHeritage - Lara Hurley (Image: Lara Hurley)

Why elect me?

Our current government no longer works for the people they work for the corporations that fund them.

Over the last ten years council funding has been cut by 50 per cent by the current government so that they could bring down the deficit. 

All that has happened is that our local services and amenities have been run into the ground including the NHS resulting in broken britain. 

The only recent things I see being put in are cameras on all our traffic light, CCTV and cell towers. Southend has been earmarked to be a Smart City by 2050, what does that actually mean for us and our children? 

I have been investigating the new infrastructure for two years as one of these towers has been erected in my ward. I work for Adult Child Health and Environmental Support and we have discovered that the ‘Safety Certificates’ and ‘Application Forms’ have names on them that are either dissolved or not registered at Companies House. 

We at the Heritage Party will halt this roll out until the public can be assured of safety.

My interests

I research cell tower infrastructure and campaign on behalf of Aches International. I am a Member of The Together Declaration, Save Our Rights Uk, and the National Residents Association.

My biggest achievement

Standing for MP is my biggest achievement. I never thought about going into politics, it has happened unexpectedly. I have seen what is happening to us and our country and decided to do something about it, not just sit at home moaning or waiting for someone else to do it.

Funniest moment

I had to punch my way through a screen and dance on the kids TV Show Sam & Marks Big Friday Wind Up, my unsuspecting daughter was in the audience.

My inspiration 

Andrew Bridgen MP speaking for the vaccine injured, Nicholas Martin Councillor and my party leader David Kurten, who have had the courage to speak the truth regardless of being smeared.

My vision

The vision I have for our town is, for it to no longer look like a dump!

Affordable and better quality housing, clean streets, repaired roads and cut grass verges.

I would cut business rates for small businesses, so they can thrive again. Making it worth while for farmers growing food, so we can sustain ourselves in the future.

Confelicity: James Miller

James MillerConfelicity - James Miller (Image: James Miller)

Why elect me?

I have lived and worked in Southend all my life and Southend is in my veins.  

I went to school at Bournes Green, Thorpe Bay High and South Essex College, and later on went to university to study business earning a Masters in Business. 

Combined with almost 30 years working in the family business, I have firsthand experience how to support and care for people having led thousands of people over the years. 

As a director, I understand the responsibility that comes with leadership and that you cannot let people down. 

Being relied upon to make the right decisions is a pressure I have been used to and one that will hold me in good stead as an MP. 

My biggest achievement

My biggest political achievement is starting the Confelicity Party. 

My inspiration 

Probably my dad. We have very different views politically, but when it comes down to learning how to succeed, I am lucky to have been able to learn from one of the best. 

My vision

We want a thriving business environment where jobs and wealth are created that can pay for the public services we all want. 

We need to stop over-development to prevent us becoming a city of concrete, where we are losing our green spaces and where our services are not overwhelmed. 

Psychedelic Movement: Jason Pilley

Candidate - Jason PilleyCandidate - Jason Pilley (Image: Jason Pilley)

Why elect me?

Nobody knows how much is spent each year in the UK on cannabis but the amount is certainly in the low billions and perhaps higher. Every penny of that could be going into our economy instead of into the lawless black market with its gangs and turf wars.

Cannabis could be treated like alcohol, heavily taxed and properly controlled through licensing laws. As well as creating a whole new industry this would reinvigorate the collapsing nightlife scene and make our streets a bit more colourful.

Christianity, too, is collapsing, becoming irrelevant at a time when our world could desperately do with something noble and unifying to believe in. 

Certain South American churches use the psychedelic vine ayahuasca in their Christian services. Striking a blow against both religious persecution and dull Sunday mornings. We will allow and encourage those churches to open locally.

We would also make martial arts/self defence a key subject in the school curriculum for all children, build inconceivably vast solar-power generators in space, fund the NHS while firing the diversity officer parasites, cut taxes by abolishing foreign aid and all the other stupid things we throw money away on, and establish a national inquiry into the contents of the Quran.

My vision

Professional politicians gave this city a deal where the Kursaal is allowed to sit empty and decay on the seafront, a perfect metaphor. 

We would shift the situation by thinking outside the box i.e. outside the law. We would invite anarcho-syndicalist squatters to occupy it. They can turn the place into a vibrant subcultural hub, or the current owners will be spending ever more money on security.

Our vision for Southend is visions for Southend, at least for those who want visions. Western civilisation is crumbling around us, as they squabble over the remedy. From Southchurch to Leigh, from the sea to the brook, we would dose our culture with psychedelia and watch it change.

Reform UK: Peter Little

I HAVE lived and worked in Southend on Sea for over 45 years and held non executive and board level positions at our hospital as well as a mental health trust and currently a residential and day care company. 

I have always been passionate about politics and do believe that they affect everyone’s life in some shape or form. However, I think that career politicians are failing our country.

I am a keen member of a local golf and tennis club although my golf leaves a lot to be desired with some embarrassingly high scores. 

I have two grandchildren. In addition, my wife and I enjoy the wide variety of restaurants that serve the city and we also support a lot of local retailers. 

If elected, on 4 July my vision for our city is to have a vibrant retail sector offering a wide range of goods and services.


Robert Francis is standing as an independent candidate in next week’s General Election.

As the Echo went to press the parliamentary candidate had not responded to our requests and, therefore, we could not include a candidate profile and picture in the full round-up.