A PROLIFIC shoplifter who stole more than £1,800 worth of items has been banned from all Co-op stores and BP garages in Essex.

Lloyd Miller, 33, of no fixed address, carried out 25 thefts from a number of stores in Westcliff, Hockley, Benfleet and Leigh between April 1 and May 17 this year.

In total, Miller stole alcohol, meat, ready meals, chocolates, delicatessen foods and other groceries, valued at more than £1,800. He was arrested on May 17 and later charged.

Miller appeared at Southend Magistrates’ Court last Thursday where he was convicted of theft and jailed for a total of four months. He was also ordered to pay a £154 victim surcharge.

The prolific thief was also made the subject of a three-year criminal behaviour order which bans him from all Co-op and BP stores in Essex, the One Stop in Spa Road, Hockley, and The Range in London Road, Southend.

Sergeant Steve Wells says: “Lloyd Miller is a prolific shoplifter who has stolen a significant amount of items from a series of shops.

We set up Operation Raker to focus on prolific offenders in the city and results like this at court show it’s working.

“Through this work, we’re working to make sure our high streets and shopping areas are safe for people to work in and visit.

“Southend and, indeed, the whole of Essex is open for business but closed for crime, and we will continue to act against those who are targeting and impacting our businesses.”

Essex Police's Southend town centre team launched Operation Raker last year to target persistent offenders responsible for thefts, assaults and public order offences