The legendary Red Arrows are expected to touch down at Southend Airport this weekend as they take part in an Armed Forces Day display.

The RAF display team and their distinctive red-painted Hawk jets are scheduled to land at Southend at 2.41pm on Sunday before heading to the Folkestone display at 5pm, the Echo understands.

They are then due to return to the airport at 5.42pm, giving plane spotters plenty of time to see them soaring over south Essex.

This comes after the airport played host to the famous RAF aircraft over the past two summers while they took part in the Eastbourne Airshow.

Visitors were treated to a "mini Southend Airshow" in August 2022 as Southend Airport's Jet Centre was open all weekend for enthusiasts to see the Red Arrows up close, with all funds going to charity.

However, last summer the airport was unable to host any events or offer ramp tours for plane spotters hoping to witness the Red Arrows team in person due to safety precautions and its increase in flights with easyJet.

The sight and sound of the RAF aircraft roaring over the city in recent years led to calls for Southend's air show - which ended in 2012 - to return.