IN the final series of pieces, your Echo puts the parliamentary candidates vying for your votes under the spotlight. 

We’ve asked all those seeking for your vote in the General Election to answer the same set of questions to give our readers an insight into their lives and make an informed decision on polling day. 

From their funniest moments, to interests and inspirations, the candidates in Rayleigh and Wickford say why they believe they are up to job. 

Conservative: Mark Francois

Conservative - Mark FrancoisConservative - Mark Francois (Image: Mark Francois)

Why elect me?

I fought my first General Election in 1997, against Ken Livingstone. During this campaign, he taught me a lesson I have never forgotten, when he said: “Mark, a General Election is an opportunity to commune with your 68,000 employers”.

I have approximately 78,000 prospective employers in the Rayleigh and Wickford constituency, but the principle is exactly the same. I work for you – and not the other way around.

As part of serving you, I have held almost 500 constituency advice surgeries; helped save local station ticket offices; as well as Hockley and Hullbridge Libraries; persuaded the Home Office to stop using the Chichester Hotel for illegal migrants.

Most recently, I personally lead a campaign to create a new, desperately needed Special Educational Needs (SEN) School in Rayleigh, which should now open in 2026.

My biggest achievement

When I served as the MoD Veterans Minister, I helped procure world-class “Genium” prosthetic limbs for our brave wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, I have led a campaign for a SEN School, in Rayleigh, to open in 2026.

Funniest moment

As an MoD Minister, while visiting Intelligence Corps HQ, I asked a senior what kept him up at night, he replied: “My one year old daughter, Sir.”

My interests

Outside of politics, I like military history. I’ve lived in Rayleigh for 24 years, often shop and eat locally and get my haircut at Mark Hudson’s Barbershop – he was at school with me.

My inspiration

My greatest political inspiration was Winston Churchill, (who my father, Reginald Francois, served under) as our wartime Prime Minister and who famously said: “Never Give In!”

My vision

While we still have issues, from access to NHS services to anti-social behaviour, the constituency is still, overall, a good place to live

I’m now working particularly to improve education for our young people. We have 30 schools in our constituency and I have visited them all. I am now working to establish a much-needed new SEN School for the Rochford District.

I also want to help protect our local quality of life, including by resisting plans by developers.

Labour: James Hedges

Labour - James HedgesLabour - James Hedges (Image: James Hedges)

Why elect me?

It’s a privilege to be your Labour candidate. This is my home. I work here, I’m raising my children here, and my wife is a palliative care doctor at Southend Hospital.

When we were looking for somewhere to raise our family, we chose Rayleigh and Wickford, and Rayleigh and Wickford chose us in return. I am also a parish councillor and Chair of Hockley Parish Council.

I’m incredibly proud of my time serving as a Governor and Chair of Governors for an inner-city college as we brought high-quality education to all.

I know the importance of community and strong public services. My formative years were shaped by living in a single-parent family, after my mother passed away while I was still in school and my father was medically retired.

In 1997 the Labour government helped me get a better education and I will always be grateful for that.

My achievements

Next to standing in Rayleigh and Wickford, my biggest political achievement was working as Stella Creasy’s agent in Walthamstow in 2015 and helping her deliver her biggest majority.

Funniest moment

I joined the school football team, only to be swapped to the opposing team who were players short. Years later a friend pointed out the team captain was David Beckham

My interests

I have two young children under 5, so I spend most of my weekends in soft plays, Marsh Farm and Barleylands. I love all Italian restaurants.

My inspiration 

James Callaghan, one of the most underrated PMs who strived for change in difficult circumstances. He achieved the highest office without being part of the establishment.

My vision

Rayleigh and Wickford comprise more than one town, and I am committed to working with and encouraging the county, the two districts, parishes, and towns to collaboratively plan not just for the next election, but for a genuine long-term ten-year plan. 

This plan will demonstrate how, even in times of change, we can make our constituency an even better place to live, striving to be one of the best places in Essex.

Liberal Democrats: Stewart Mott

Why elect me?

Our manifesto includes policies to provide the change that our area and country needs to tackle the issues that matter most to you. From a right to see a GP within a week, to extending paternity leave, and tackling sewage releases in our rivers, lakes and coastal areas.

YouGov polling has revealed that 8 of the 10 most popular manifesto pledges are from our manifesto.

Voters in our area are already turning to hardworking Liberal Democrat local champions to sort out the mess left by the Conservatives. We have the same number of local councillors as the Conservatives across the constituency. The Labour Party and Reform have zero.

As a homeowner in the constituency, I am invested in the future of our area for the decades to come. I want to represent the local community so I can help to make our area a safer, greener and fairer community for everyone.

My achievements

I’m proud that my election campaign has gained momentum, and that I’ve won the support of so many local voters. The first election I stood as a paper candidate I received only 68 votes. After two years of campaigning, I received 869.

Funniest moment

On the campaign trail for the local elections, I did have an embarrassing moment last year were I wrongly assumed when canvassing a young voter was under 18 and not eligible to vote.

My interests 

Outside of politics, I enjoy going for walks and exploring new cities and countries with my partner. 

I’m long-suffering Spurs supporter and attend home games with my dad and brother.

My vision

Residents must be able to get a GP appointment within a week, faster cancer treatment and reductions to waiting lists.

For us to have a planning system that allows the housing and infrastructure we need to be built with a community led approach. A key improvement to infrastructure is a need for an expansion in the capacity of A127.

We want the environment to flourish, by tackling releases of sewage now, not by 2050.With new developments offering genuine biodiversity gains for the local area.

Reform UK: Grant Randall

Reform - Grant RandallReform - Grant Randall (Image: Grant Randall)

Why elect me?

I’m a resident in Rayleigh and a small business owner. I turned to Reform during the pandemic, where people were hugely overlooked by the government. The more I looked into the party and the various values they stood for, the more I wanted to be part of it to make a change.

After attending the different party conferences, it was very clear to me, everyone had the same views, common sense. How many times have you sat around with friends and family and had the conversation “if we can see this, how comes politicians can’t” and that’s exactly what I want to do, bring back common sense!

With the constant building in the area, it is plain for us to see that the infrastructure has hugely been overlooked. 

Doctors, dentists, schools and traffic management should all be major factors of any planning being granted.

My achievements

Building a business from the ground up. Taking that leap is quite a scary thing to do, being able to take it all over the world and work for very well-known clients is rewarding.  

Funniest moment

I was to be a lifelong Tory voter believing that they would stick to their promises.

My interests

I love to travel. I have been lucky enough to see a lot of the world and experience many different cultures.

Best restaurant: Nobu as a special occasion.

Best hairdresser: Mad Turks

My inspiration

My biggest inspiration would have to be my mum, being a single parent she managed to bring up myself and my sister and keep a roof over our heads.

My vision

I want to see all our towns thriving. I want them to be places where people want to stay and bring up their own children, going to the same places where they grew up.  

I would like to see affordable housing being offered to local people first, along with doctors and dentists being given incentives to open and stay in the area. 

We also need to keep our high streets alive.

Green Party: Chris Taylor

Green - Chris TaylorGreen - Chris Taylor (Image: Chris Taylor)

Why elect me?

This election is hugely important to the country. We live in one of the richest countries on the planet, yet nurses are using food banks, a roof over our heads is all too often unaffordable, and hospital and dentist appointments are like gold dust. 

Young people know just how broken Britain’s frontline services are. The economy is not working for them. They have been priced out of the housing market and are struggling to fund their education.

Now is the moment to be ambitious. 

My interests

Life outside politics. I am involved with the National Trust and Hockley Parish Council and in my spare time, I visit my partner and we go walking or on day trips.