THE popular Mulberry Fun Run which sees hundreds of participants tackle the muddy banks of the Thames Estuary has been cancelled.

The event, organised to raise cash for the Southend RNLI, allowed participants to walk, jog, or run a 3.5km route at their own pace towards the Mulberry Harbour and back.

However, the event will not take place this month after the RNLI were unable to fully staff the fun run while maintaining their daily work to keep residents safe on the city’s beaches.

The event will return next year, the RNLI has promised.

Matt Dent, the councillor responsible for culture, tourism, and business, said: “This is very sad news.

“I participated in the fun run last year, and it was a fantastic event and one I would certainly do today.

“I do understand that the focus of the RNLI must be on safety and if they can’t run the event safely then they need to cancel.

“But it is a great community event and a brilliant fundraiser for them, so I very much hope to see it return next year.”

The event has been a hit over the years, with the route adaptable for those who couldn’t complete 3.5k, and is an opportunity to get close to the Mulberry Harbour safely.

A spokesman said: “We are sad to announce that due to circumstances out of our control, the annual Southend RNLI Mulberry fun run will not be taking place this year.

“This has come as disappointing news for many of our supporters as well as our volunteers, and we sincerely apologise for any disappointment caused.

“Our team have tried to work out a way to hold the event.

“Unfortunately we are unable to fully support the RNLI Mulberry fun run this year due to volunteer commitments outside of the RNLI.

“We must have enough crew to stay operationally ready at all times and will be unable to fully staff the fun run.

“Safety on the day is of upmost importance to us.

“We are incredibly grateful for your continued support of the charity and your understanding.

“We look forward to bringing back the popular event next year.”