A TAKEAWAY has submitted a bid to stay open throughout the night and serve food until 5am.

Crown Mexican, at 206 London Road, Westcliff, has lodged plans with Southend Council to stay open throughout the night and serve customers between 11pm and 5am.

Matt Dent, Labour councillor responsible for business, said the potential impact on neighbours and any concerns that the extended opening hours could lead to antisocial behaviour must be carefully considered.

The takeaway, which serves a variety of food including Mexican and Italian, has submitted the plan to Southend Council this week and it will now be considered by the licensing team.

Mr Dent said: “I mean if there is a market for it, then it is of course worth exploring and looking into.

“But it needs to be balanced carefully with the impact of the surrounding area, particularly residents in the area.

“We wouldn’t want to approve anything that is going to cause additional hardship to neighbours.

“We also need to ensure that it would not fuel antisocial behaviour in the area too.”

As well as operating as a takeaway in the busy London Road, the business offers deliveries across Southend. If approved, deliveries would also be available until 5am.

Crown Mexican describes itself as “specialising in a range of Mexican-inspired dishes” as well as offering “dishes inspired by Italy and India as well as BBQ-style foods”.

The licensing application will be assessed by the licensing committee, and representations must be received by August 1.

Under the Licensing Act 2003, any establishment must be licensed if they wish to offer late-night refreshments to the public.

This involves supplying hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am.

The Echo contacted Crown Mexican for comment, but has yet to receive a response.