AIMEE Tanner regularly suffered with migraines, but when she began suffering “unimaginable pain” she knew something was different.

Despite just being 34 years old at the time, Aimee was told the devastating news she had a brain tumour.

Within weeks of her first trip to Southend Hospital, Aimee had a brain scan and was told the tumour was terminal.

A close family friend, Theresa Beale, said: “The diagnosis was so quick, but she knew.

“Aimee was admitted to Southend and was told she had a mass on the brain, after further scans and trips to Queens, it was confirmed that it was terminal.

“She was initially given 12 to 18 months, but just after Christmas it was discovered that the treatment she had received had not worked, and the mass had spread.

“She was given an optimistic three to six months, but she almost made the six months, to everyone’s amazement.

“Aimee even went funeral shopping with her mum, that is something no child or parent should have to do together. She fought so hard as she wasn’t ready to leave this world.

“It has just been awful. Her mum and dad have already lost one baby girl, so they have now lost both their baby girls, it is just very, very sad.

“She would find this article amazing though as she felt like she never left her mark on the world, but she definitely has now.”

Thousands of pounds were raised through a GoFundMe page set up to help support Aimee and allow her to make memories.

Sadly, in the early hours of last Friday morning, Aimee passed away.

Theresa added: “Aimee also got to see Harry Potter World. She had her nails done with her mum. She went on date night with her husband. She went out on family meals, and shopping trips.

“She got to do loads of things that she wouldn’t have got to do without the kind donations from everybody.

“She did manage just to get past her 35th birthday and had a birthday cake with a little party at home. We got her outside for a barbecue that she really wanted.

“She was only really desperately ill for the last few weeks, other than that she managed to be awake and alert, continued being funny.

“We are all so proud of her and will miss her so much.”