WORK will continue on a half-built development...but not for at least another year as residents fear the project will be left in a “never-ending limbo”.

The five-year saga surrounding plans for 205 homes, a new Lidl, 15 shops and a medical centre started in 2019 when the former Laindon Shopping Centre, in High Road, was razed to the ground.

Now, Sanctuary Housing has confirmed that it will press of with the project and work will "hopefully commence in around 12 to 15 months".

The site remained surrounded by hoarding with three half-built tower blocks sitting on the centre of the site.

Long-time Laindon resident Victor York has called the news “totally frustrating and stupid”, fearing that Laindon truly has nothing to offer in its “limbo” state.

Artist's impression - how the new homes will lookArtist's impression - how the new homes will look (Image: Sanctuary Housing)

He said: “It is totally frustrating, and it is stupid, I was told it was a two-year project, they just cannot be serious really.

“We deserve better, here and we always have, the Laindon Centre structure is empty and all we have now is a derelict former shopping centre.

“We are five years on from the start of this and nothing has really happened except that a lot of concrete has appeared and will now be knocked down, I just cannot believe it, it should be underway.

“What is the excuse? I have seen Laindon built up and destroyed, I have seen the shopping centre built and destroyed and I do hope I will see it built again but this is a total disappointment.”

Sanctuary Housing took over the project following the collapse of Swan Housing in 2022 however no work has taken place since and Swan’s original building and hoarding remain in place on the site.

These buildings will be demolished when work begins.

“This is contributing towards the plight of Laindon, we have no shops, we have no post office,” Mr York added.

Basildon Council will discuss the project at a overview and scrutiny committee next Tuesday.

Labour councillor for Laindon Park, Jessica Power, said that she “shares the frustration” of residents of Laindon, who have faced such huge delays.

“I completely sympathise with Laindon residents, we will do whatever we can to support and work with Sanctuary to get the building up and running as soon as possible,” she said.

“We are committed to working with external bodies to clear delays, being a local, I really do get it.”

A spokesman for Sanctuary said:  “We’ve been forging ahead with the Laindon town centre regeneration, having started back on site in December last year.

"We are due to reach another key milestone later this month when we start the highway works that will allow access to the development site and allow a new larger Lidl supermarket to be built.

"We will also continue the site preparation ready to start the main build after we receive amended planning permission from Basildon Council for the update plans, which will be submitted before September.”