SIX months of roadwork chaos along a busy Rochford road have finally come to an end as temporary traffic lights were removed.

Work has taken place since April 16 on Ashingdon Road, with a series of lane closures and temporary traffic lights disrupting drivers on a daily basis.

Crews have been on site throughout as they widen the road and create a new access point to Bloor Homes' controversial 662-home development.

Work is now complete and new permanent lights have been installed, however they will be switched on by Essex County Council this week.

The new access road has been named Sanderling Gardens and is a 20mph road.

Mike Steptoe, Rochford councillor responsible for Roche South ward has been closely monitoring the work and has apologised for the long time it has taken complete this stage.

He said: “Over the next week or so the new lights will be switched on, I guess the temporary lights will be up for next week really and while it is difficult to fully say how complete the total works are, I would say we are 20 per cent there.

“The road is now fully open, and the only thing left of it is those temporary lights, like a pelican crossing.

“When this is complete and the new lights are commissioned, it will become a toucan crossing across Ashingdon Road.”

The work forms part of the Bloor Homes “King’s Hill” development of 662 homes.

Mr Steptoe added that “I can only apologise for how long it has taken the developers to do the works, which was because of how complex it got at the end of the process.

“Residents feedback has been that they feel it took too long, it has been six months or longer, but it did lack an original timescale.

“You do never know how long it will take, there are a number of sub-structural concerns under the road, it is very old and developers did not know what was under it.”