A HOMEOWNER who crammed seven flats into a semi-detached home without planning permission could be forced to rip out bathrooms and kitchens. 

An "attractive late Victorian house", in Park Road, Westcliff, was given the green light to be used as a HMO in 1991 but plans for it to be used as four flats were refused in 2021. 

In a report to Southend Council’s development control committee, officers said they became aware the building, situated in the Milton Conservation Area, had been used for short term lets.

Three of the rooms were converted to flats in 2015 without planning permission.

Ensuite facilities were installed in the three rooms and a planning application to retain this work was refused in 2021 as the council had concerns it would create unacceptable living accommodation.

The report to the committee, which will meet on Wednesday, recommends enforcement action should now be taken against the development.

David Garston [pictured inset], former councillor responsible for housing and planning, said: “In all these cases each one has to be taken on its merits but it’s most important that it’s right for the street and right for the neighbours.

“If you are putting a large development into a small property it has such an effect on the neighbours in terms of noise, car parking and intrusion. If officers are recommending enforcement action on anything it’s pretty certain there’s been a lot of complaints and it’s been investigated thoroughly. It’s protection that residents deserve.”

Planning officers said the limited size of the flats and their lack of any storage space “would result in cramped living conditions and a poor quality residential environment.”

Planning officers concluded: “Given the harm identified due to the substandard sizes of the flats and impact on their residents’ living conditions, it is considered reasonable, expedient and in the public interest to pursue enforcement action in the circumstances of this case.

“Enforcement action in this case will reasonably aim to cease the unauthorised use as seven self-contained flats and to secure the removal of the WCs or of the full bathroom facilities or of the cooking facilities within each of the rooms, the full removal of sleeping facilities from one unit and the provision of at least one shared WC or bathroom or kitchen or lounge area so that the property returns to its lawful use as an HMO.”