THE Fortune of War junction could finally be straightened in a bid to slash long queues of traffic and reduce air pollution as part of multi-million pound proposals to improve the A127.

Essex County Council has submitted its case to the Department for Transport to secure £23.3million for a range of improvements along the major road - including straightening the notorious Fortune of War junction.

Rayleigh and Wickford Tory MP Mark Francois has been campaigning for the notorious junction to be straightened since 2019 and believes it will improve the lives of drivers navigating "one of the busiest A roads in the country".

It is also hoped the project will have the knock-on impact of improving air quality surrounding the major road.

If the bid for funding is successful it is hoped planning applications will be submitted in 2026 and work on the huge project will begin in 2027.

Mr Francois said; “As someone who first started calling for the Fortune of War junction to be straightened about five years ago, I welcome the announcement that Essex County Council are finally bidding for the funds to achieve this.

“Not only would this speed up traffic flow on one of the busiest ‘A Roads’ in the country, but it would also have environmental benefits by saving thousands of vehicles having to slow right down to navigate the bend and then accelerate away thereafter.”

The submission of the bid for funding was described as a "crucial first step" in cutting congestion and delays at key points on the A127 by Tom Cunningham, Essex County Council's cabinet member for Highways.

Alongside the straightening of the Fortune of War, a series of other improvement works will take place including an additional east bound lane created on the A127 between Halfway House and the Dunton junction.

Labour county councillor, Aidan McGurran believes these works to straighten the junction are “long overdue” and welcome for motorists.

“There are a number of issues that need resolving on the A127, this is long overdue and it is good news.

“I am, however, fearful of the long time while the work is being carried out, as it will cause disruption.”

He added that: “The air quality is horrible, we know It has bad.

“If the work helps in that regard, it would be very welcome.”

If the bid is successful successful, the public will be given an opportunity to comment on the proposed A127 transport improvements scheme through a public consultation scheduled to take place early next year.