THE leader of Basildon Council has vowed to improve safety in the town centre by introducing a seven-day-a-week security team coupled with beefed up CCTV, new lighting and community wardens.

Labour council leader Gavin Callaghan has spoken of the need for improved security in the borough, highlighting the shocking stabbing of an NHS worker in the car park of Basildon Hospital.

Essex Police has repeatedly stated that anti-social behaviour and violent crime is falling in Basildon, however Mr Callaghan believes the “public’s reality” is very different.

Speaking to residents in a Facebook video, he said: “We are going to look at creating a 365-day, seven-day-a-week, security and community safety plan for our town centres, so we know that we can keep people safe.

“Whether it is midday or midnight, whether you are there for a meal or drink, or to see a show at the Towngate theatre.

“You need help and support, and you need to know you are safe, and as a consequence we are making sure we are putting together a really thorough town-centre plan.

“That means we need to think about security, CCTV lighting, community wardens and the police themselves.”

A report brought to Basildon Council’s cabinet last night, by Labour councillor responsible for community safety and enforcement, Melissa McGeorge, stressed the council’s wishes to expand town-centre policing and CCTV installation. Mr Callaghan has previously hit out at the police for being “out of touch with the public’s reality” and encouraged them to “get back on the beat”.

He said: “We have had an awful incident at Basildon Hospital car park, with a member of staff being stabbed around 6am as they were getting into their car - this is a deeply disturbing incident.

“We know we need to do more. The police rhetoric on crime and anti-social behaviour in Basildon is not matching the public’s reality, and nowhere more so than in our town centres.”

He added that consultation would be a part of the process and said “we are going to be asking you for your opinions so that when we put money and investment in, it is going to the right place”.