A CHARITY that has spent the last two years providing education at a popular nature school has issued a heartfelt thank you as it prepares to part way with the youngsters.

The Hive Nature School, in Garon Park, has been run in partnership with Steps Ahead and has rapidly grown in popularity from 450 pupils in 2022 to 1,941 in 2023.

But now, the Steps Ahead charity has announced it is leaving the nature school and will stop delivering their classes from October 31.

Happy - A class at the school Happy - A class at the school (Image: Steps Ahead)

The nature school is designed as an "inspiring outdoor nature base, providing a blend of outdoor, educational, creative and well-being experiences" for children of all ages.

Steps Ahead have made a name for themselves with their outdoor theatre production work, taking a creative approach to working with children and adults alike at the school.

The team, Tom Rae, director, Laura Bowen-Davies, creative director and Viv Stevens, education director have spoken of their devastation at the move but have said they will “treasure” their memories of time at the school.

Fun - A session at Steps Ahead Fun - A session at Steps Ahead (Image: Steps Ahead)

Laura, speaking on behalf of all three directors, said: “For us this news is devastating.

“We had laid a solid foundation and have seen steady growth year on year.

“Our efforts have yielded positive outcomes, including increased footfall, bookings, social media followers, financial growth, positive feedback and expanded community reach.

“We are a small community interest company with a big heart born out of the Covid pandemic, navigating a small voluntary organisation during these times is challenging and unpredictable.

“Our efforts had started to pay off but unfortunately these will now not be realised from this base.”

Support - A steps ahead event Support - A steps ahead event (Image: Steps Ahead)

She added that the team have been “overwhelmed by all of the messages of support, emails, calls, energy and strength,” of feeling they have had since announcing their closure.

She added: “This will have a big impact as we believe there is no time like the present to be providing enriching opportunities through nature and creativity to promote the wellbeing of each and every one of us. These services are so needed in these times.

“We want to say a great big thank you to each and every one of you who have participated in our programmes, attended our events, and contributed to the successful delivery of our services.”