ONE of the richest men in Britain has unveiled grand plans for a Burj Khalifa-inspired skyscraper right here in south Essex.

Self-made millionaire Alfie Best has revealed the ambitious plans for a 28-storey superstructure at his Wyldecrest Parks site in London Road, West Thurrock.

Vision - early design of the proposed towerVision - an early design of the proposed tower (Image: Aqua architecture)

Alife, who was born to Romani gypsies near Leicester and worked his way onto the Sunday Times Rich List, has affectionately dubbed the proposed tower the "Burj Al Gypsy", The Sun reports.

The Wyldecrest Park Tower would include "co-living" and "co-working" spaces along with a spa, offices, a gym, and restaurants, very initial draft designs show.

Businessman - Alfie Best at Wyldecrest ParksBusinessman - Alfie Best at Wyldecrest Parks (Image: File photo)

The 54-year-old, who founded the residential park home firm Wyldecrest Parks, told The Sun: "We wanted to build there because Thurrock has been such a welcoming  borough to us as a company.

"It was something we looked at to build there - an iconic building right next to the QE2 [Queen Elizabeth II] bridge.

"It was to really make a statement point for the borough."

The site is proposed to include a number of green spacesThe site is proposed to include a number of green spaces (Image: Aqua architecture)

The project has been estimated to cost around £50million and take around five years.

While his first choice is to build the site here in south Essex with the feature of a "budget hotel", he told the tabloid paper he would "100 per cent" take his proposals to the super-rich in the Middle East if he fails to get planning permission. He is said to be looking at sites in Qatar for the proposals if the planning bid does fail.

Designs - what the superstructure could featureDesigns - what the superstructure could feature (Image: Aqua architecture)

If built in the Middle East, the tower would boast 5-star luxury hotel services and restaurants, but Best added: "It pains me not to be investing in the UK - I'd rather be investing in the UK."

He told The Sun: "I see this as being an iconic building and the gateway for Essex and London.

"I think it'll be a massive benefit for Essex and London if it gets the go-ahead. It only takes one building to start a knock-on effect."

One of the early floor plan designsOne of the early floor plan designs (Image: Aqua architecture)

Over the next five months, Best's team is set to put in a pre-application for planning permission on the site.

Alia Beyg, founder and CEO of Aqua Architecture, said: "This proposal centres around new-age living and lifestyle that is efficient, healthy, and harmonious."