THE boarded up Dick Turpin pub has been placed on the market after a failed bid to demolish the building and replace it with a petrol station.

The 100-year-old pub on the A127 has been closed since the end of last month after Greene King admitted it was no longer a viable business and had been running at a loss for three years.

Now, it is being marketed as a “freehold pub” by WTS Property Consultants who believe the property will “appeal to restaurateurs, developers, builders and investors” adding the Dick Turpin has “alternate use potential”.

Earlier this year the EG Group, which owns a series of petrol stations across the country, had plans rejected by Basildon Council to bulldoze the pub and replace it with a petrol station and drive through coffee shop.

Despite the plans being thrown out, the pub closed on June 28 with residents, including the biker community that has met at the pub for years, mourning the end of an era.

Former Southend shakedown chairman, Adam Ball, hopes the latest update will mean the pub is safe from demolition and could re-open - even if in a different form.

He said: “The fears of seeing the Dick Turpin getting knocked down should be over, if it can be saved for whatever reason that would be a great start.

“I would like to keep it and see it become something new, in one way or the other.

“The most important thing is the building won’t be knocked down and turned into a petrol station, this is a great start. It would be interesting to see whether a future owner can make it something similar to an “Ace Café” biker spot for Essex.”

Adam added if it could be retained as a venue where bikers and car enthusiasts could meet, as it has been for decades, then it would be “great news” for everyone.

A spokesman for Greene King said: “We are continuing to review our options for the building, whilst keeping in mind the best interests of the community. Discussions are ongoing and no decision has been made yet.

“We are aware that the closure of the Dick Turpin pub is disappointing news to the local community and our loyal customers, and would like to thank those who have enjoyed visiting us over the years.”