Latest figures show that the number of reported crimes in Essex have fallen by over 10,200 from January to end of June this year, but Police need funding to ensure it continues to decline.

Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington said: “Crime is continuing to fall in Essex – and we’ll be able to keep it going down if we have the right funding,

“We’ve had consistent funding in recent years thanks to the people of Essex, and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner,  

“This means we’ve been able to grow the force and consistently bring crime down,”

There were more than 10,000 fewer crimes reported this year, including fewer violent, sexual and domestic abuse offences – as well as fewer repeat victims of domestic abuse.

In the last fortnight, Essex Police secured 52 shoplifting charges.

3 people have been jailed this month, including a 71-year-old man who was sentenced to 8 years for attempted murder, a drug dealer, who was sentenced to more than 3 years, and a Harlow man who was stealing laptops from Princess Alexandra Hospital during the Covid pandemic.

“This is all work that has a real impact on people’s lives,

“To have a prosperous society, you need to have a safe society and I’m committed to keeping that work going,

“But we can only do so if we have the resources,” Mr Harrington explained.

Essex Police need continued, local support and funding to ensure reported crime in Essex continues to decrease.

“We need to continue employing specialist staff like IT, forensics, training and development, custody officers, and call handlers,

“And we need to provide our people with the equipment and environment to help them do their job,

“There is no complacency within Essex Police, and we know we have more to do and are all committed to Protecting and Serving the people of Essex.” Mr Harrington said.

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