A pigeon shot with an air gun has sparked an investigation into a "suspicious" number of deaths of the birds on Southend seafront.

The deaths - in Eastern Esplanade - were reported to the RSPCA by a member of public who had managed to rescue one of the pigeons and took them along with a number of deceased birds to the South Essex Wildlife Hospital.

Vets at the hospital confirmed that the live pigeon had been shot with an air gun while the cause of the death for the other birds could not be established as they were too decomposed.

RSPCA animal rescue officer Enola Evans is investigating the incident, and said: “It is concerning to hear that a number of birds have been found dead - and while we don’t know the cause of all the deaths - it is suspicious considering they were found in the same area and there was a number of them. 

“I have made enquiries in the local area but I would like to hear from anyone who may know who is responsible for this. Anyone with information is urged to call the RSPCA Inspector appeal line on 0300 123 8018 quoting incident 01283151.”

The air gun incident was reported on June 14, however a suspicious number of deaths have been reported over the past month.

All wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and it is illegal - except under licence - to take, injure or kill wild birds.

The RSPCA is braced for a spike of animal cruelty this summer, and has launched its summer appeal so people can support the efforts of its frontline officers.

Ms Evans added: “It is always very distressing to think that people may be taking pleasure in causing such horrific injuries to defenceless animals.

“We want to see a world where every kind of animal is treated with compassion and respect and deliberate and brutal acts of cruelty should be consigned to the past.

"We receive more reports of cruelty in summer than at any other time of year. That’s why we’ve launched the RSPCA No Animal Deserves Cruelty Appeal because it’s vital that we all take action together to help animals. If you believe that no animal deserves cruelty, please donate now to help animals as abuse reaches its awful peak this summer. By working together we can create a world that’s kinder for all animals.”