A CAR passenger caught with a toddler sleeping on her lap was among 95 traffic offences identified by police in a day of action near Chalkwell Park.

In a crackdown on driving offences, police carried out a Vision Zero enforcement day on Saturday, focusing on inappropriate speed, using a mobile phone, not wearing a seatbelt and drink or drug driving.

Vision Zero is the ambition to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Essex roads by 2040.

During the operation police identified 95 traffic offences, made one arrest for drug driving and seized four vehicles during their day of action.


A total of 21 drivers were caught using their phone behind the wheel and 39 drivers and passengers were reported for not wearing a seatbelt.

During one stop, officers located a woman in the rear of a car with her toddler sleeping on her lap – neither were restrained properly, and a car seat was available.

Two drivers were reported for poor driving decisions – one person was seen to be driving carelessly and another drove through a red light.

In addition, four vehicles were seized after checks revealed that the drivers and their vehicles were uninsured.

Four cars did not have a valid MOT, meaning they were unsafe to be driven until the faults were rectified: an unsafe car poses a risk to its occupants and in the event of a mechanical fault, it could also affect the safety of other road users.

In particular, the driver’s door couldn’t be opened from inside in one car and, coupled with electric windows, meant that in the event of a crash, the car could trap the driver and passengers inside and hinder any rescue attempt.

Nine drivers will also receive a notice of intended prosecution for other offences.