GANGS of masked yobs armed with machetes turned Southend into a “warzone” as they “jumped the gates” at train stations and “ran down the High Street with knives”.

Terrified residents have described seeing teenagers openly carrying knives as violent scenes unfolded in the city on Tuesday night after a large influx of young people.

A “beach party” was organised on TikTok and Facebook earlier in the day before “500 to 600” teenagers took over the seafront and High Street. One resident, who asked not to be named, described seeing hundreds of teenagers arrive in Southend before brandishing weapons.

The 45-year-old said: “I watched around 500 gets off the train.

“I saw two of them chasing someone with zombie knives who then stabbed him moments after near the High Street.

“It sounded and looked like a warzone.

“It went on all evening. A backpack with a machete was also found by The Forum, and dozens were openly carrying knives.”

Another Southend resident, added: “Around 6pm someone had a machete near JD Sports.

“There were people running about near the college with machetes as well. It was terrible. The worst I have ever seen.”

A Southend commuter, who asked not to be named, was on the train with a large group of teenagers as he came home from work.

He said: “I have honestly never experiences anything like Tuesday.

“Whilst I didn’t see any of the fracas on the seafront, I was on a train home from London at about 5pm.

“When we pulled in at West Ham about 100 youths boarded the train heading to Southend.

“They blocked all the aisles, were smoking and vaping as well as playing loud music on speakers all the way through the train, swearing and being generally scary.

“As we approached Southend Central, several youths put ski masks on and they started shouting about how they were going to push through the barriers.

“Trouble was always going to happen, and it appears that only the council and police didn’t expect it.

“All ‘normal passengers’ were visibly very uncomfortable and couldn’t wait to get off at their respective stations.”

Iain Palmer, c2c head of revenue protection and security, stated the firm is in the process of establishing the full extent of the situation.