TENNIS star Ryan Peniston has organised a Tennis-A-Thon to raise funds for a cancer charity after battling the disease as a child.

Thorpe Bay Tennis Club, where Ryan trained as a youngster, has railed behind the event aimed at raising funds for Young Lives vs Cancer.

Ryan, from Southend, was diagnosed with cancer as an infant and is now a proud ambassador for Young Lives Vs Cancer - wearing the charity’s badge during his pro tennis matches. 

Strong - Young Ryan Peniston at WimbledonStrong - Young Ryan Peniston at Wimbledon (Image: Young Lives vs Cancer)

On August 11, Ryan’s dad Paul will be picking up a racket at Thorpe Bay Tennis Club to take on his own five-hour tennis-a-thon challenge in solidarity of his son.

Paul said: “I coached Ryan at Thorpe Bay Tennis Club and this is where Ryan’s love for tennis began, so it was only fitting we got behind Ryan and supported him as an ambassador of the fantastic charity Young Lives vs Cancer.

“We have decided to organise a mini tournament for the children and an auction to raise funds for the charity.

Family - Dad Paul Peniston with son RyanFamily - Dad Paul Peniston with son Ryan (Image: Young Lives vs Cancer)

“Our auction will have some tennis racquets provided by Ryan, a painting by myself, Wimbledon Towels and more.”

When diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma - a type of soft tissue cancer - at age one, Ryan underwent treatment, including chemotherapy and surgery, at St Bartholomew’s hospital in London.

Star - Ryan winning silverware from a young ageStar - Ryan winning silverware from a young age (Image: Young Lives vs Cancer)

When he became the ambassador for Young Lives vs Cancer, Ryan outlined his primary motivation would be “to give hope to the kids and families that are going through similar things because it is one of the most emotional and stressful times of their lives”.

He added: “You can go on afterwards and still achieve your dreams and still do what you want to do in life.”

Paul added: “When Ryan was diagnosed with cancer as a baby, it was totally shocking, so sadly we know what a horrendous time it is to have a child diagnosed with cancer. Like Ryan, our family is passionate about supporting Young Lives vs Cancer to help ensure that families get the support they need at such a tough time.”

Hard - Ryan admits he suffered side effects which he admits impacted his gameHard - Ryan admits he suffered side effects which he admits impacted his game (Image: Young Lives vs Cancer)

Fundraising engagement manager for Young Lives vs Cancer, Kim Mangelshot, added: “We are so pleased that Thorpe Bay Tennis Club have an event on the August 11, a huge thank you to Paul for his wonderful support.

"The money raised will help us to continue to provide much needed support to families of children with cancer across Essex.”