Plans to transform Canvey with a huge £20million Government funding pot have been put on hold by the Government, leaving a council boss “gobsmacked.”

Castle Point Council leader Dave Blackwell (pictured right) has been informed about the cash injection being put on pause by the Chancellor Rachel Reeves. It comes as a number of other funding pots for projects across the country and Essex have been put on hold as well. 

Dave Blackwell, Canvey Independent leader of Castle Point Council, previously said the council was setting up a board to discuss how best to spend the money and called the funding a “golden opportunity” for a third road off Canvey

He said: “Rachel Reeves has pulled the plug on our £20million and I hope it will be repackaged and come back under another name. We’ve got to stop our town board planning.

"I am gobsmacked and shocked by this. Canvey was identified as a deprived area and in need of investment like this. A lot of work has gone into this and we are now left in limbo, we don’t know what is going to happen or when.

“I think it’s sad for the people of Canvey if it doesn’t go ahead. We don’t know when we will hear about it, it could be in the autumn statement. We were looking at so many ideas but I am not giving up hope and I think Labour wants to help areas like Canvey.”

Mr Blackwell had hoped a strong case would be made for the long-awaited third road off Canvey.

Campaigners have been fighting for a third road off the island for many years, with a number of petitions being launched by fed-up residents.

In May 2019 a petition received more than 700 signatures and supporters.