TERRIFIED families have revealed how they are “scared to let their children out” after horrific scenes of violence on Southend seafront and in the High Street.

The fall out of Tuesday night’s chaos continued yesterday as a business announced it would shut its doors early over the coming days, and Essex Police put steps in place to prepare for more trouble.

Southend nan Lesley Taylor told the Echo her grandchildren were on the seafront just an hour before the trouble broke out, and she is now petrified for what the future may hold.

She said: “It was absolutely awful. Families walking by Adventure Island having a great day, then four youths with machetes are fighting in the street.

“We live here, this is our home, and I am scared to let my grandchildren go out in case they are harmed.

“I am really scared and upset by it.

“My grandbabies were there an hour before and it is shocking that I have to restrict their fun.

“I just don’t understand where the police were, as there is always usually such a strong police presence.

Put a dispersal order on the area 24/7 throughout the summer, too. It would put an end to these frightening incidents.”

Several businesses were forced to close early as the violence broke out, including the Board Game Hut, in Clarence Street, which locked its customers inside to protect them as teenagers filled the streets outside.

It has announced it will continue to close early in the coming days over fears that the same issues could be repeated.

A spokesman for the business said: “We could hear it from our shop. And staff and customers had enough messages from concerned family and friends that it made sense to lock up for safety.

“The videos were just around the corner from us.

“We will be closing at 5pm today due to the recent and expected troubles. There is a possibility of the same on Saturday, so we will make a decision as and when we feel confident to do so.”

Police speaking to a family on Southend seafrontPolice speaking to a family on Southend seafront (Image: Essex Police)

‘Southend is a safe city’, councillor insists

A senior councillor has maintained that Southend is still a “safe city” and assured intelligence is being monitored to prevent any future incidents after a night of chaos.

Matt Dent, Labour councillor responsible for business, culture, and tourism, has shared the anger and concern of residents following the night of violence and disorder. 

However, he insisted that Southend is a safe city and they will “not allow a small minority of criminals to change that”.

Mr Dent said: “What happened on Tuesday was not acceptable in any form. Southend is a welcoming place, but those who come here intending violence and criminality are not and never will be welcome here.

“I understand and share the anger and concern of residents about how this could have happened in our city, and there are questions which will still need to be answered on this topic going forward.

“In the immediate term, the additional police patrolling the seafront and city centre will be remaining, and Southend Council will be in close contact with both Essex Police and British Transport Police, as well as the railway operators and local businesses.

“Intelligence is being monitored and swift preventative action will be taken in response to any evidence of a future recurrence.”