A £14.8million project to revamp Leigh’s port and help boost the fishing industry and tourism could begin within months ... if migrating geese don’t stall the project.

The work in Old Leigh is aimed at boosting the cockling industry and safeguarding the future of the port by renovating the quay and improving access for fishing boats.

Carole Mulroney, Lib Dem councillor for Leigh, revealed council officers have been working hard behind the scenes before an application is submitted next month and work starts later this year.

Leigh fisherman Paul Gilson is confident the work, funding by levelling up grants from the Government, will boost the cockle trade and could create millions of pounds in tourism revenue... but admitted migrating geese could stall the project until next year.

The Leigh town councillor said: “I welcome it. I’d like to see it get going. Everything takes so long. Nothing will start until the geese have gone so I presume it will be spring before anything happens unless they’ve got a licence that allows them to work while the geese are there.

“It will mean better access. The guys working out of Leigh, it will make their lives a lot easier.

“It’s not just the cockle industry that benefits from the boats working. It’s the tourism. People come to see the boats working. Hypothetically if they are turning over £10million the tourism will turn over £50million. People want to go there to see those things. People talk about it.

“An active port brings money into the town. There’s been studies on that and it’s a fact.”

As part of the works, the quay will be resurfaced, the quay wall will be replaced, and the entrance will be widened for better vehicle access.

It is hoped this will also reduce the risk of flooding for residents.

A second project will see silt removed from a three-kilometre stretch of water to improve access for boats and hopefully boost the fishing industry.

Ms Mulroney, Lib Dem councillor for Leigh said said: “They are putting together the planning application. There has been a bit of a hold up because they had to get all sorts of licences and things to work in the water.

“Over the months they’ve been putting the scheme together and that to get it all in order so when it goes in we’ve got all the right paperwork and everything . It’s going to be later this year.”

“I would have hoped the planning application will go in in the next month or so.

“It will go to development control and then as far as I’m aware they can draw down on the Levelling Up money as long as the Government don’t change their mind on it, but we’ve not heard any inkling of anything like that.”