JUST three weeks ago Emma Price was placed into an induced coma and her family were given the heartbreaking news that her life-support would need to be switched off.

Now, she is continuing her miraculous recovery and her parents, David and Samantha, have revealed she has spoken for the first time since being rushed to hospital.

This week the 32-year-old said “hi mum, hi dad”, over the phone, sparking tears of joy and elation from both her parents who feared they may never hear their daughter’s voice again.

Family - Emma with dad David PriceFamily - Emma with dad David Price (Image: David Price)

Emma’s family were told by doctors that she was “brain dead” but following a last minute decision to delay turning off life-support, she woke up at the end of last month and is now continuing her “miraculous” recovery.

The family have been repeatedly stunned by Emma’s improvements after claiming she “overdosed on painkillers as a result of overwork and bullying in KFC Pitsea”.

The fast-food restaurant has insisted it is carrying out a full investigation into the claims.

Emma now in hospital after waking from her comaEmma now in hospital after waking from her coma (Image: David Price)

Samantha said: “I burst out crying, I bawled my eyes out ‘oh my god, she is speaking.’

“She had asked for the phone in hospital and said, ‘Hi mum, hi dad’, my son cried, and I was crying, they were tears of joy and elation, I was gobsmacked.

“I said, ‘Emma, Emma, you’re speaking’, I couldn’t describe it.

“We were just on the phone to the hospital, and they said, ‘do you want to speak to her?’, that was the first time we heard her speak again.

“It was amazing, we called it our miracle and from the start, with doctors telling us the chances of her coming back were so slim.”

Samantha added that although Emma can now speak, she is suffering the effects of brain damage.

Caring - EmmaCaring - Emma (Image: David Price)

Despite the positivity, Emma still has a long-road to recovery and is slurring her words and speaks slower.

However, the family are more confident than ever that she will make more improvements.

“We are so glad to have her back, I don’t mind how she comes back, whether she speaks slower or cannot walk, we just want our Emma back and we hope she comes back soon,” Samantha said.

“Every day there is an improvement, the support has been absolutely amazing for what has been done.

“We can’t thank people enough and the interest there has been in Emma.”