A LARGE garden centre could be demolished and replaced with more than 90 homes as a developer prepares to submit plans to Basildon Council.

Arebray Development Consultants has launched a consultation with residents over plans to overhaul the Alpha Garden Centre, on London Road, Wickford, ahead of drawing up a planning application.

According to the consultation, the plans would include either 76 homes and 16 apartments, or 76 homes and 17 apartments.

Wickford independent leader, David Harrison, said he would reserve judgement until the full application was submitted, but admitted infrastructure would be a concern due to the potential impact on surrounding roads.

He said: “The whole issue is there is no local plan - that area was in the call for sites once and it didn’t go in and the only concern for me would be that the infrastructure needs to be involved to make the site successful.

“London Road is a busy road, with the number of businesses and cars coming into it, some may argue that it can cope but 90 homes is different.

“I would prefer to wait to receive their application, they may float these ideas but it is just a consultation and they are trying to get some ideas from people for when they submit, that is the time for resident to make their comments.”

The developers plan to make a Section 106 contribution to Wickford’s infrastructure as well, to improve schools and healthcare opportunities.

Mr Harrison added that a major part of issues now is housing targets, with Wickford “now going to get more housing, no doubt”.

He said: “The issue here is the 90 houses here, Wickford has often had small developments and often no change to the main roads around those sites and that is what happens, you get a build-up when there is no real highway improvement.

“Some places at the garden centre had closed anyway I understand, not many though, and it is tough.

“I am not sure what the lease terms are and I would say if there is any chance of this getting planning, it is four years off.”

You can comment on the plans at: https://www.development-consultation.info/development-proposals/