A business owner has been left “totally devastated” after her prized pie and mash shop went up in flames leaving her “with nothing.”

East-Enders Pie and Mash, a hut behind the Duke Pub in Wickford High Street, suffered a devastating fire around 8pm on Saturday destroying the interior and all the equipment in the business.

The fire, which began due to an electrical fault, has left owner Sarah-Nadeem Johnson “gutted” after spending years building up the reputation of the business only to see it destroyed in a night.

Devastating - Damage to interior of the hutDevastating - Damage to interior of the hut (Image: East-Enders Pie and Mash)

Sarah said: “It is devastating, all of our equipment is gone.

“We were open that evening, closed, we checked everything and when I got home my phone was going crazy, I got a call saying, ‘the hut is on fire’.

“There were fire engines everywhere and I ran out of the Uber into the middle of the road and burst into tears.

“I am gutted, I feel I have let people down, people do rely on our food and one person I know is on the streets and gets food off me.”

Popular - East-Enders Pie and Mash hut before the firePopular - East-Enders Pie and Mash hut before the fire (Image: East-Enders Pie and Mash)

Sarah added: “The fire department estimate the fire happened between 8pm and 8.20pm and it was electrical, almost an explosion, no one would have gotten out."

Despite the dire situation, Sarah has been surprised by the sheer amount of support from regular, loyal customers.

She added: “We are so lucky, it hasn’t actually sunk in as I have been inundated with messages from customers, I have been so overwhelmed with support and they are so loyal, we have regulars who come every other day.

“I am trying now to find several ways to get back, I need to get up and running as quick as possible, that would mean buying a new hut and all the equipment, everything is gone.

“I don’t ask anything from anyone, we built the business up from the ground and I get embarrassed, I wouldn’t ask anyone for anything but one of our customers has created a GoFundMe, it is so lovely, people do care.”

The business provided discount food for residential homes in Wickford and supported the homeless daily in town.