STUDENTS across Essex have been picking up their A-Level results today.

After months of hard work and sitting the exams, today is the day that students will discover how they got on and what is next. 

The proportion of 2024 A-level entries awarded top grades is up on last year and remains above pre-pandemic levels, national figures show.

Hundreds of thousands of students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland received their exam results on Thursday in a year when grading was expected to be restored to 2019 levels in all three nations.

More than a quarter (27.8 per cent) of UK entries were awarded an A or A* grade, up by 0.6 percentage points on last year when 27.2 per cent achieved the top grades.

Across the county today hundreds of excited students will be picking up their results, and if one of them is you - we want to hear from you. 

Send us your success stories and any pictures you may have to feature in our live coverage of results day!

Send your photos and stories to or share your pictures on the assignment below.