AN access road to a popular beach could be widened as part of multi-million pound plans to transform the visitor hotspot.

Southend Council set aside £2million funding for improvements to East Beach in Shoebury.

The Echo understands the authority is now exploring if the access road, which runs between the Blackgate Road and George Street entrances, should be widened.

It is understood it would be funded by £500,000 from the council’s capital coastal allocation for 2025/26.

So far, toilets have been improved and a car park has been resurfaced but steps down to the beach have long been out of action because of subsidence.

Wire baskets meant to hold back sea defences have also recently been repaired by the council.

Lydia Hyde, councillor responsible for the climate, environment and waste, said: “We have recently finished repairs to the gabion baskets at East Beach to make sure they are safe and last longer.

“These baskets will continue to help prevent soil erosion, stabilise slopes, and protect the area from flooding ahead of our planned project next financial year which will look at a longer-term solution.”

Ms Hyde said the plans could involve widening parts of the access road.

She said: “This project will also involve improving access to the beach. Right now, we are considering different options and will apply for the necessary marine licences once the design is finalised, and we’ve consulted with everyone involved.

“Additionally, we plan to widen the cycle and pedestrian routes on Blackgate Road. The short section of carriageway by the cafés cannot be widened as it is too close to those new buildings and a number of trees.”

Peter Lovett, chairman of Shoeburyness Residents Association welcomed the extra improvements.

He said: “ We’ve been saying for weeks they’ve put back steps and Shoebury Common but they’re ignoring East Beach.

“We made it clear that now we’ve Shoebury Common playground which is really good and really working well, we want to concentrate on East Beach.

“They had the money but stopped spending it. I would welcome any upgrades they do, particularly to improve flood protection and put the steps back in that they took out.”

East Beach Residents Association said it would be seeking clarification on the plans.