THE future of a tyre business is uncertain as plans to demolish a “dilapidated” garage and homes and replace them with a four-storey block of 17 flats are agreed.

Southend Council has given the green light to plans by applicant Paxcrest Limited to build the new flats at 209 to 223 West Road, Westcliff, after councillors voted in support of the application on Wednesday evening.

According to the proposal, existing buildings on the site are “dilapidated”, and the vacant residential homes are in “need of refurbishment". 

Site - Plans approved to transform area into 17 flatsSite - Plans approved to transform area into 17 flats (Image: Google Maps)

The site is currently occupied by Southern Tyre Wholesalers alongside the empty homes, with bosses hoping to relocate but admitting it is proving difficult.

A spokesman for Southern Tyre Wholesalers said: “We did know that plans have been put in place for this premises but wasn’t aware that they have been passed yet.

“We have been looking to relocate but unfortunately, we cannot find anything affordable to rent as rentable prices have gone through the roof and far out of our reach to make a profit with the business that we are doing.

“So, as to what the future holds for us, who knows.”

Kevin Buck, the councillor responsible for the Prittlewell ward, welcomed the newly approved plans despite the potential impact on the business.

He said: “I am very pleased to see this planning application receive approval.

“Whilst the current buildings are being used, they are of very old design and in need of significant refurbishment or replacement.

“This new residential development, which is architecturally very pleasing to the eye and sympathetic to the area, will bring much-needed housing to the heart of the city and bring regeneration in a much needed part of Prittlewell ward.”

The 17 flats will be a mix of six one-bedroom flats, nine two-bedroom flats, and two three-bedroom flats.

The applicant, Paxcrest Ltd, adds: “The existing buildings on site are to be demolished.

“These will be replaced with a new building that responds to the neighbourhood’s current street scene. The existing buildings on the site are dilapidated and the residential accommodation is in need of refurbishment.

“Given the developments either side of this site, and the condition of the existing premises, there is an opportunity to develop this site, improving the street scene and providing much-needed modern residential accommodation.”