A STALLED project to turn an empty Basildon car park into 105 new homes is now back on track after a £2.5 million funding boost.

Plans to build new flats and houses on the former “car park 14”, near the Roundacre roundabout and Basildon train station, were approved back in December 2022 but the site has remained empty since.

The project, including 35 houses and 70 flats, was due to create much-needed homes to help tackle Basildon’s housing waiting list, but in March this year it was revealed the development had stalled due rising costs and a shortage of funding.

Now, Sempra Homes has confirmed it has secured £2.5 million in Government Brownfield Infrastructure Land (BIL) funding.

Gavin Callaghan, leader of Basildon Council, added: “New, high-quality housing is a top priority for this administration.

“Through Sempra Homes, Basildon Council is unlocking its housebuilding programme – beginning works on 179 affordable homes across five sites this year. These will be Basildon homes for Basildon residents.

“As important will be tackling Basildon’s housing waiting list, which currently stands at 4,000.

“There is an urgent need to increase the supply of social and affordable homes in the borough to reduce that figure drastically and make Basildon’s contribution to the new Government’s target of 1.5 million new homes over the next five years.”

In addition to creating new homes, the project will “enhance infrastructure, biodiversity, and open spaces”.

Housing options will range from social rent to shared ownership and private sale.

Melanie Keys, service manager at Sempra Homes, said: “This funding is the result of an unwavering commitment by all partners to bring forward this development, which will help address the acute need for housing, and act as a catalyst for economic growth in the town centre, increasing footfall, creating inclusive, thriving communities for generations to come.

Thanks to the new funding, work is due to get underway with aims for construction to be complete in 2026.