The leader of Castle Point Council has issued an apology after referring to residents as “Nimbys” at a meeting after he was heckled from the public gallery.

Castle Point Council and Canvey Independent Party leader, Dave Blackwell, issued a statement of apology after he made the comment at a council cabinet meeting.

Mr Blackwell made the comment after an agenda item to approve plans to purchase the formerly privately-owned Abbeyfield House sheltered housing scheme in Hadleigh was discussed.

On a recording, a resident can be heard telling the council “you don’t have a say in a lot of this, Angela Rayner has got her eye on it”.

Mr Blackwell can then be heard saying: “Who is Angela Rayner” and “People are so Nimbyfied, not on my doorstep”.

Apologising for the comment, Mr Blackwell said: “I regretfully referred to ‘Nimbyist’ behaviour in an aside following an item on a proposed temporary accommodation facility. I would like to apologise for the offence I have caused.

“I am aware of the concerns the residents have made to the council about the proposal and they were not taken lightly.

“Whilst it is no excuse, I felt both empathy and frustration with the gallery and accept my use of language was inappropriate.

“I do wish to reiterate that I will ensure that the council will, as promised, engage and work with all residents on the progress of the project.”

The comments attracted heavy criticism from the ousted Castle Point Conservative’s, who accused the independent council of belittling the concerns of residents.

A Castle Point Conservative spokesman said: “It is right councillor Dave Blackwell apologised for the offence he caused, but it’s worrying that this is what the leader of the Independents who run the council really thinks of the residents who voted for them.

“Locals are deeply worried about Angela Rayner and the new Labour Government’s plans to dump more than 6,000 extra houses and flats on Castle Point in the coming years.

“It would absolutely overwhelm our small borough.

“For the council leader to call residents who are concerned about it Nimbys is ignorant and wrong.”