A DEVASTATED family forced to move out of their home after an “explosive” fire have been told they will be able to move back soon ... but fear chaos as their kids return to school.

Mercedes Olley, a mum-of-five was forced to move 30-miles to a Premier Inn in Barking following a fire that flooded her flat with smoke in Rosberg Road, Canvey on Saturday.

The family feared being “left in limbo” following the fire and have now been given the news that they should be able to move back home early next week.

Despite being relieved, Mercedes, 29, is worrying she may not be back home in time for her children to return to school on Tuesday. She said: “I’ve been on the phone all day and I got a call out of the blue, I was told the council wanted to sort my dinner and breakfast and they knew who we were, they were brilliant.

“They need access to my flat and a friend will let them in, the earliest for repairs is 48 hours and we don’t know definitely, that is just for the electrics but not for damage to the stairs.”

Despite this, Mercedes added: “We have no idea what is around the corner, we are playing it by ear and we are grateful to have the food and somewhere to stay.

“If I get back for Monday or Tuesday latest, school might be okay but if worst comes to worst, my children won’t start until a week too late, they are stressed and there is emotional distress.

“It is an unknown world and we are in the deep end.”

Castle Point Council has said it is doing all it can to support the family and hopes they will be able to return as soon as possible.

Councillor Rob Lillis, responsible for health, wellbeing and housing said: “On August 28 , the council became aware of an electrical issue at one of its flat blocks at Rosberg Road, Canvey.

“UK Power Network worked to make the fault safe and the council took immediate steps to offer support to affected residents.

He added council officers are working to support families in temporary accommodation and to make repairs.