TWO tents have been spotted pitched up in a graveyard leaving residents "unable to visit their loved ones graves".

Lesley Anglin, and her four sisters, were shocked to see two tents in St Katherine's Heritage Cemetery, on Canvey Road, Canvey, when they attempted to visited their mother's grave this week.

According to Lesley, the people living in the tents are using grave headstones to attach guidelines too so the occupants can hang their washing.

Although sympathetic to the plight of the people occupying the tents - who are believed to be homeless - Lesley has urged Castle Point Council to move them on.

The council has stated it is working to offer housing assistance and move the tents on.

Grave - Food and waste left near the headstone.jpgGrave - Food and waste left near the headstone (Image: Provided)

Lesley, 73, said: “Two weeks ago, a red tent was erected in the graveyard, their guidelines are attached to gravestones and they are hanging their washing there.

“My sister went there and there is food and we don’t know where they are going for toilets, it is quite upsetting.

“I only know that they are homeless, it is tragic that they are there but they shouldn’t be in a cemetery.

“They should be helped and they need help but it is out mother’s birthday and we cannot go down there so we don’t know what to do, this has been going on for more than two weeks.

“We aren’t asking the tents be pulled down but they need help, not in a cemetery.”

Lesley and her sisters had planned to visit the grave to mark what would have been her mother's birthday.

She added: “I understand they must be desperate but they must be somewhere, there is food and washing and everything else you need to live in a tent.

“The only issues we have ever had in the church are with the cutting of grass and it is a few yards from a main road, you can see them.”

People’s Independent Party councillor, Rob Lillis, responsible for health, wellbeing and housing said: “The council are aware of tents erected in St Katherine’s Cemetery and are currently working to engage with the owners and offer housing assistance.

“The public can assist the council in supporting any persons suspected of rough sleeping by raising concerns via the council’s outreach partner, Streetlink:“