A YOUNG girl with an incurable condition is preparing to go on a trip-of-a-lifetime to Florida with her family after a huge fundraising campaign.

Thanks to the heart-whelming support of residents across south Essex, Bobbi Bewley’s family have raised £5,000 for her to spend 17 days in Florida and swim with dolphins.

Family - Bobbi with her family Family - Bobbi with her family (Image: Jodie Bewley)

Bobbi, eight, was diagnosed with the incurable and life-limiting wolfram disorder - which causes progressive sight and hearing loss - in November 2023.

Bobbi’s mum, Jodie, has sent a massive thank you to everyone who donated and revealed the whole family, from Wickford, will be travelling to Florida on November 6.

During the trip, they will be visiting Universal Studios, Disney World and a deserted island to swim with Dolphins.

Providing an update on Bobbi’s condition, Jodie revealed she is hoping the youngster will start a course of new medication early next year which will limit the impact of the disorder.

Happy - Bobbi Bewley Happy - Bobbi Bewley (Image: Jodie Bewley)

Jodie said: “I just cannot believe how generous, and kind people have been, it has helped us as a family come to terms with what has happened to Bobbi, we felt so alone and this wouldn’t have happened without the help of the community.

“This is about seeing as much as possible and helping Bobbi experience as much as she can in 17 days, it is enough time for us and for us to have our dream trip and it has taken that horrible feeling we had.

“We are able to focus on the holiday, it is all we are talking about, and we don’t know what the future holds, it is worrying, but I want to concentrate on this.”

Hope for the future - Bobbi Bewley Hope for the future - Bobbi Bewley (Image: Jodie Bewley)

Bobbi will be swimming with the dolphins on November 12 and the family has arranged for her to receive a buoy with a message delivered to her to take home.

Jodie added: “Bobbi’s eyesight has gotten worse, we have had to move out TV and she is unable to read things on her phone, we hope her sight loss will stabilise before she can take a medication in March, trials end in November, our fingers are crossed.

“It has showed positive results to halt or slow down the condition, it shows promising effects.”