CAMPAIGNERS are set to hold a demonstration this weekend after a planning appeal renewed fears a much-loved tree could be axed. 

Fears the 150-year-old London Plane tree, affectionately named Chester, would face the chop as part of a homes plan sparked the creation of the Southend Tree Action earlier this year. 

Southend Council rejected plans to build 58 homes on the old Churchill’s Diner, in Tylers Avenue, but now a planning appeal has been submitted. 

Developer Vikesh Kotecha is behind plans to build the homes but documents show the tree would need to go to provide access to the site. 

Now, the action group is once again ramping up its bid to save the tree and ensure it remains in place for years to come. 
(Image: STAG)

Campaigners and residents have now organised a people’s assembly in Priory Park set to take place at 1pm on Sunday.

Save Chester co-founder Tim Fransen, who has campaigned to save ‘Chester,’ called the planned development a “mindless and uncreative” move.

(Image: Vikesh Kotecha)

“To lose that tree in such a barren area, to lose a tree that’s working for us and has been for that long,” he said.

“To cut it down, to replace it with luxury flats is an outrage.

“It’s a senior citizen of Southend city. It would be a travesty.

“By chopping down such trees, we are going the wrong way. A tree like that is required.

“It’s looking like quite a lot of people will attend. Chester is symbolic of all trees in the city and around the country, and how at risk they are.”

Mr Fransen said preserving trees is important not for just the current generation but for children “who might not get to see them”.

He said he was inspired to work saving trees and the environment to ensure his nephew can see such “beautiful” trees.

The site, which was once Churchill’s diner before becoming the Mangetout restaurant, has been vacant since 2021, when the previous one and two-storey building was demolished.