A delivery driver was caught with 80 wraps of suspected class A drugs and £2000 in cash in Westcliff.

Two officers from Southend local policing team were patrolling the city yesterday afternoon, Wednesday September 4 when, acting on intelligence, they stopped a food delivery driver in Salisbury Avenue.

When officers searched the man, they located the suspected Class A drugs and cash. All were seized.

A further search of the man’s home, in Westcliff, uncovered what is currently being treated as viable firearm, alongside ammunition.

All items were seized and enquiries into how the firearm came to be in the property are continuing.

The man, aged 46, was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and remains in custody for questioning.

The investigation is being led by Southend CID.

Detective Sergeant Matt Howarth said: “This is a significant arrest and one which opens a number of investigative lines of enquiry which we’ll be pursuing.

“We don’t tolerate Class A drug supply in Southend and those who we believe to be supplying illicit substances will stopped.

“They may think they’re acting in secret and they make think they’re safe, but they aren’t.”