PLANS for a new Lidl have scrapped as part of a controversial proposal to build 130 homes on the green belt in Billericay.

Property firm MScott has resubmitted its plans to Basildon Council to build the new homes on open space off London Road but the new designs have entirely removed the supermarket.

Pierre Fansworth, director at MScott, confirmed that the number of proposed homes is staying the same but, following responses from residents, the Lidl has been scrapped.

Billericay independent town councillor Jim Devlin said: “There is reasoning for this. Residents that live further away from the road were very happy to see that supermarket. However, those closer were very against the supermarket and if you lived in London Road or Mountnessing Road, the last thing you wanted to see was a supermarket there.

“We are ultimately going to see an Aldi anyway at Queens Park when they get round to that.”

Revised plans - The new plans without the LidlRevised plans - The new plans without the Lidl (Image: MScott)

Mr Devlin said the “biggest topic of controversy” for Billericay residents is protecting the green belt and people don’t want to see homes on the site.

He said: “Billericay is unusual, no one is far from the countryside, and we are against building on green belt full-stop. I will be against it.

“I will always be against it and the town council’s policy is against building on green belt.”

The designs have been redrawn and resubmitted to Basildon Council with the same number of homes on green belt, maintaining an access road but utilising the space where the supermarket once was to preserve green space.

Mr Fansworth says the changes have come as a result of listening to concerns.

He said: “We have retained the Lidl access point, but the plans are only residential. There are significant changes which have been accommodated by listening to consultees.”

He added that the company “has to listen to what people want” and has committed to engaging with the council and nearby groups and residents on London Road.