SOUTHEND Council has fined four people for continuing to light barbecues on East Beach despite a ban being in place.

The council extended a public spaces protection order to ban lighting barbecues on any of Southend’s beaches following a series of incidents including a child being burned.

However, visitors to Shoebury's East Beach are frequently ignoring the ban, it has emerged.

Former Independent councillor Tricia Cowdrey questioned Martin Terry, councillor responsible for community safety, on what was being done about the problem.

Speaking at a council meeting on Thursday, Ms Cowdrey said: “We continue to see barbecues on the beach resulting in damage to the greensward and a danger to members of the public. Incidents of flytipping and other anti-social behaviour are witnessed daily and we have had a number illegal encampments sometimes of large groups, dogs left loose on the beach and boats illegally moored.”

Ms Cowdrey added: “Residents in the area surrounding East Beach are even more concerned to hear that the foreshore team has suffered cuts, with no seasonal officers available to patrol our beaches. In the last summer season we were aware that a lone foreshore officer had difficulties in enforcing the PSPOs or by-laws acting alone and, in fact, the team needed expanding.”

In response Mr Terry said: “There have been four financial penalty notices for wrongful use of barbecues issued at Shoebury East Beach in the last 12 months.

“There have been no cuts in the pier and foreshore team. The pier and foreshore team are funded for ten staff. Currently there have been eight resort staff, five of whom are seasonal over the summer season.”

Mr Terry said the ten-strong pier and foreshore team were down to eight with “recruitment challenging in the current climate”.

He added: “The ongoing need of responding to first aid issues and lost children and the public reaction to uniformed officers requires officers to work in pairs on occasions which focuses resources at those times on specific areas.

“We continue to monitor all beaches regularly on a mobile basis including East Beach.”