Firefighters have praised a family’s quick-thinking after they escaped a fire which ripped through their Basildon home this morning.

Essex Fire and Rescue Service have praised Kelly Bundred, 61, and her children’s actions after they were forced to flee their home in Paxfords, Laindon on Friday (September 6).

Ms Bundred had first noticed the blaze after spotting fire and smoke coming from her wardrobe, before getting her children and running out of the building.

(Image: Michael Robinson) (Image: Michael Robinson)

Station Manager Quentin Sage said: “It’s so important to act quickly in a fire. Our advice is to get out of the house as quickly and as safely as you can, stay out and call the fire service out. That is exactly what this family did where they acted quickly as soon as they knew there was a fire to get outside and call us out. 

(Image: Michael Robinson)

“Make an escape plan with your family so everyone knows what to do if there’s a fire in your home.”

The service confirmed three crews attended the house fire at 6.32 am and found the first floor of the home on fire and heavily smoke logged.

(Image: Michael Robinson) (Image: Michael Robinson)

Firefighters worked to put out the blaze and an investigation has now found the fire was started accidentally in a bedroom upstairs.

The family had all safely escaped the fire before crews arrived. 

The house has been left badly fire and smoke damaged.

(Image: Michael Robinson) (Image: Michael Robinson)

Speaking after the fire, Ms Bundred said the fire had engulfed her family's home six minutes after they had escaped the property.

She said: “My kids have lost everything. I have three children, they have literally lost it all.

“It started in my bedroom, I noticed flames in there with my clothes.

“I was going to get out, so I got the kids and got out. There were flames coming out of the windows.

(Image: Michael Robinson)

“I am just glad it happened when everyone was awake, To be honest, I cannot even think straight at the moment.

“The whole house is gone. I decorated the house myself and it’s just all gone up in flames.”