A new fundraiser for thrill-seekers will be coming to Chalkwell beach later this year, it has been announced.

On Wednesday, November 6, the Icicle Dip Challenge invites the public to enter the winter waters of Chalkwell and raise vital funds to improve people’s mental health.

The event, hosted by Trust Links, will involve a safety briefing before entering the water up to shoulder height.

After the dip, hot refreshments and lots of cheer will be provided. Those participating will be raising money to make a life-changing difference to people facing mental challenges.

Nicky Evans, head of communications and fundraising at Trust Links said “We are excited to be holding this fundraising challenge on stress awareness day, to raise awareness of mental health conditions and raise vital funds to make a difference to local people’s lives.

"Join me and a team of fantastic fundraising to brave the chilly waters”

The registration fee of £12 will include a branded t-shirt, beanie hat, and medal.

To sign up, visit www.trustlinks.org/icicle-dip-2024/.