A NINE-year-old boy who has grown his hair for the last year is preparing to shave his head for his “best bro” as he undergoes trial cancer treatment to save his life. 

Reuben Prince, from Benfleet, is raising the money for his friend, Oscar Fairs, 14, after he was diagnosed with Ependymoma, a rare and aggressive form of brain tumour, in August last year.

Oscar, an aspiring goalkeeper who has been on the books at West Ham’s academy, is taking part in a new radiation trial in Lille, France, after he was told palliative care was the only option left in the UK.

Reuben, who has been friends with Oscar for about four years, told his mum, Bethany Prince, he felt he had to do something to help his friend and decided to shave his hair to help.

(Image: Natalie Fairs)

Ms Prince, 40, said her son, who has special educational needs, was “devastated” by the news about Oscar – who she said shares a “really sweet friendship” with her son and has always been patient with him.

She said: “Reuben said ‘If there is something we can do to save my friend, mum, let’s do it’. He has such a sense of wanting to help people. He just wants to make his friend better.

“Everybody in the community is helping together to raise as much as possible.

“So much has happened in a year, it’s been such a terrible time for Oscar and his family. His mum has been so tenacious.

“We hit our £200 target in ten minutes, and £400 within 30 minutes. If we can get £1,000, we would be really happy.”

The head shaving event will take place at Bethany’s home on September 19 with Oscar in attendance, and has raised £585 so far. She said Oscar had sent a message to her son upon learning about his fundraising efforts, calling him the “best bro ever.”

Oscar has undergone seven surgeries, two rounds of chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy as he continues his cancer battle. In December, the family were told the cancer had spread and were offered palliative care.

The radiation trial consists of 30 days of radiation to the cancerous part of the whole left side of the brain.

You can find the fundraiser at gofundme.com/f/oscar-get-life-saving-treatment.