DOZENS of sites across Basildon have been identified to build almost 3,000 new homes and tackle a housing shortage, including 700 homes off Gardiners Lane South and huge flat blocks in the town centre.

Despite the council identifying space for 2,919 new homes, a council meeting on Tuesday revealed there is still a huge shortage in the number of homes that must be built to meet the Labour Government’s housing target.

As things stand, Basildon Council must identify space for 6,234 homes to be built in the next five years.

Sites identified include 700 new homes on land off Gardiners Lane South - currently owned by Homes England - as well as 224 homes at the former Laindon Shopping Centre and 151 new flats by extending town centre tower block Trafford House.

Additionally, plans for 99 homes in Southend Road, which is a green belt site, and 26 homes in land south of Tyefields.

Work has also begun on plans for 105 homes at Chapelgate, near the Roundacre roundabout and Basildon train station, delivered by Sempra Homes after they purchased the site from Homes England in 2020.

Labour Basildon Council deputy leader, Adele Brown, is aware of the challenges facing the council but is optimistic about a future local plan.

She said: “Failing to meet the supply makes us vulnerable on unsustainable developments, this update is ensuring we stay on track and allows us to be in a good position with the local plan, we cannot fix this without the local plan.

“What we are doing now underscores out proactive approach to housing, ensuring we have a buffer and are investing in critical infrastructure.

“We ensured last night we have a plan to meet the long term needs and the recommendations voted in that report let us move on with confidence.”

As things stand, Basildon Council is only on track to deliver 47 per cent of the necessary homes over the next five years.

Facing an urgent shortage of deliverable sites to meet increased need for homes, and threat of government intervention without demonstrating how the issue will be tackled – Basildon Council is moving to begin consultation on a new local plan this November.

A draft local plan is expected to be brought forward next summer.