A GROUP of travellers have finally left an Eastwood park after spending six days camped on the site despite orders to leave.

Oakwood Park had been occupied by four caravans and two vans since last Thursday after they allegedly broke through a locked gate to gain access.

Despite a notice to leave and being given the 24-hour deadline on Monday, the Travellers remained in the park until yesterday evening just hours after Southend Council applied for court action.

While pleased by the outcome, Eastwood Park Lib Dem councillor Rob McMullan is frustrated by the mess left behind.

He said: “They have left and we have asked for the gates and other accesses to be made secure as a matter of urgency and for a clean-up, I am told that there is litter and objects they have left behind and we are unsure what might be in the woods.

“We will have to pay. We have to pay Veolia staff to go in and spend at least a day going through everything and removing things and dealing with ongoing park damage. For instance, they have driven vehicles across the grass and churned it up.

“We don’t know if there is damage to the play area equipment.”

Mr McMullan has also said he is “frustrated the legal process took longer than we liked, and we have to follow the process that is in place, as it is a trespass and a civil matter”.

“I am relieved they have gone before we had to resort to bailiffs and police action. Police action was the next step,” he added.

Martin Terry, councillor for community safety, said he was happy to hear the development.

He said: “They are a law unto themselves. They made the wise move of leaving before we took further action.

“It is a relief for residents, and it is disappointing rubbish has been left, at the end of the day, all city council taxpayers will pay to clean it up.”