A MULTI-million pound investment in a huge new McDonald’s restaurant will create at least 120 new jobs in Basildon if plans are agreed.

The fast-food giant is behind plans to bring the golden arches to Vange and has submitted plans to build a new drive-thru and restaurant on the edge of the existing Homebase car park in London Road.

Basildon Council is yet to decide on the plans, originally unveiled earlier this year, but fresh documents submitted by McDonald’s have revealed the new site would be a “multi-million pound” investment and create more than 120 full-time and part-time job opportunities.

If approved, it would be the seventh McDonald’s in the borough.

Despite creating new jobs, questions have been asked over the growing number of fast-food chains in the borough and the potential impact on the health of residents.

Kerry Smith, independent councillor, said: “It is good for the economy with the 120 jobs, but a McDonald’s is not going to make you an Olympian.

“These 120 jobs are also not all full-time.

“There are several things we have an issue with, we have an issue with it being funded, with a million we want for council homes, the jobs are part-time, the noise and the litter.

“It is unsuitable, but we could put something there, a nice coffee place would not be a problem.

“When it closes in the evening, cars will be there and my residents will have the noise and there is a school, parents who are struggling to watch their pennies will have a new fast-food place a quarter of a minute from the school and will be going down there.”

Mr Smith has also urged Basildon Council’s planning officers to ensure the planning application is brought before the council’s planning committee so councillors can have their say on the plans.

As part of the planning application, McDonald’s says the firm has contributed £10.03 million to the economy in Basildon across its six already existing restaurants, pointing to the creation of 623 jobs in the borough since 2017.